蔡佳璇 / 古今狂想-大鍵琴音樂詩畫 (2CD)

蔡佳璇 / 古今狂想-大鍵琴音樂詩畫 (2CD)

Through the Ages 2CD

  • 發行公司:禾廣
  • 產品編號:18770469
  • 發行日期:2018/02/02
  • 張數:2 張 - 2CD
  • 定價:640
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 分享


繼2010年《酷幻奇境》專輯 (金曲獎最佳專輯入圍) 後,大鍵琴家蔡佳璇又一力作,這次要帶領聽眾穿越古今,徜徉於音樂的時空洪流中。
蔡佳璇是國內少有同時擁有長笛和大鍵琴演奏文憑的音樂家,曾就讀德國柏林藝術大學以及萊比錫音樂暨戲劇學院,並曾獲得多項國際獎項,如1998年庫勞長笛大賽重奏組首獎、2001年德國長笛協會主辦的國際作曲暨詮釋比賽第三名;大鍵琴方面,2003年先後贏得慕尼黑音樂大賽(16.Grand Prize Competition of the Konzertgesellschaft München)第一名暨觀眾特別獎,及柏林樂器博物館古樂比賽特別獎等。


< CD1曲序> Total time: 59’39
1  歌利亞的腳步與怒吼
The boasting of Goliath
2 看到如此恐怖的巨人,顫抖的以色列人向上帝禱告
The trembling of the Israelites at the appearance of the Giant, and their prayer made to God
3 真誠的大衛靠著對上帝堅定的信仰,因而無視巨人的傲慢
The courage of David, and his desire to humble the arrogance of his dreadful enemy, together with his confidence placed in the aid of God
4 大衛與歌利亞之間挑釁叫囂/彈弓突然打中巨人額頭/歌利亞之死
The struggle between the two, and their contest; with his sling, David throws the flint at the forehead of the Giant; Goliath falls
5 匈牙利式帕薩卡雅舞曲
Passacaglia Ungherese
6 上帝所應許的勝戰,基甸深感懷疑
Gideon’s doubt towards God’s promise of victory
7 敵方大陣仗令他更加害怕
His fear at the sight of the mighty army of the enemy
8 敵方哨兵的夢境其所代表的寓意,讓他信心猶然升起
His redoubled courage on hearing the dream of one of the enemy, and its interpretation
9 煩擾
10 掃羅的憂鬱與狂亂
Saul’s sadness and madne
11 大衛神清氣爽的豎琴演奏
The refreshing music of David’s harp
12 國王平靜舒緩的心
The King’s mind once more at peace
13 聲聲不息
14 拉班家族歡樂迎接親愛的表親-雅各的到來
The rejoicing of Laban’s whole household over the arrival of their dear cousin Jacob
15 雅各沉重的工作因深愛的拉結在身邊而得以忍受
Jacob’s servitude lightened by his love for Rachel
16 拉結與她的女伴唱著新娘之歌
The bridal song sung by Rachel’s friends
17 婚禮祝福
His wedding, and the congratulations
18 拉班的騙局 
Laban’s deceit
19 新婚之夜
The happy bridegroom during the wedding night
20 新郎內心稍有不安,但又隨即睡去
Although his heart whispers a warning to him he puts this aside and falls asleep
21 雅各對於欺瞞的怨嘆
Jacob’s bitterness over the deception
22 重新慶祝雅各的婚禮
Jacob’s new wedded happiness
23 匈牙利式搖滾樂
Hungarian Rock
 < CD2曲序> Total time: 48’47
1 先知的死亡預告,希西家王誠心向上帝禱告。悲歌詩詞「請治癒我,親愛的主」,選自聖詠《主啊!我這可憐的罪人》
The troubled heart of King Hezekiah at the warning of his death and his ardent prayer for recovery in a Lament
2 希西家王堅信上帝已聽到他的祈禱,將會把病痛去除,重獲平靜。聖詠詩詞「你們這些惡人,趕緊退離,我已獲得救助。」
His confidence that God has already heard his prayer
3 歡慶他的康復,偶而想起之前痛苦,但隨即又忘
Hezekiah’s joy at his recovery with fleeting thoughts of the former evil which however soon fade from his memory
4 匈牙利式帕薩卡雅舞曲
Passacaglia Ungherese
5 上帝所應許的勝戰,基甸深感懷疑
Gideon’s doubt towards God’s promise of victory
6 敵方大陣仗令他更加害怕
His fear at the sight of the mighty army of the enemy
7 敵方哨兵的夢境其所代表的寓意,讓他信心猶然升起
His redoubled courage on hearing the dream of one of the enemy, and its interpretatio
8 基甸鼓舞同伴
Gideon encourages his soldiers
9 巨大鼓聲、號角聲作響,加上碎瓶聲及呼喊聲
The sounding of the trumpets, the shattering of the pitchers and the battle cry
10 敵軍的竄逃及以色列人的追逐
The rout of the enemy and the pursuit of the Israelites
11 以色列人對於卓越勝利的歡呼
The joy at the momentous victory of the Israelites
12 二首大鍵琴曲,H.244 
Two Pieces for Harpsichord, H. 244
13 二首大鍵琴曲,H.244 
Two Pieces for Harpsichord, H. 244
有精神的快板Allegro con brio
14 悲傷的子孫圍繞在親愛的父親-以色列臨終床邊
The sorrowful feelings of the children of Israel at the deathbed of their beloved father
15 他的過世,子孫們的悲傷以及後事安排
Their affiction at his death, and their thoughts as to what would ensue therefrom
16 從埃及回到迦納的旅程
The journey from Egypt to the land of Canaan
17 以色列的葬禮以及哀痛的心
The burial of Israel and the accompanying bitter lamentation
18 上帝撫慰遺族的心
The consolation of the bereaved ones
19 獻給提姆的探戈
Tango for Tim





    • 【醫療保健】楊定一全新作品!重啟人生,再次出發,我們亟需一個全新的開始,走出有毒的關係,看清自戀的倒影,突破受害心態的枷鎖,活出這一生的祝福《水仙:從自戀談起,一種逆風的解讀》








