非洲咖啡館 (CD)

非洲咖啡館 (CD)

African Café

  • 發行公司:putumayo
  • 產品編號:PUT369
  • 發行日期:2018/03/01
  • 媒體形式:CD
  • 張數:1 張 - 1CD
  • 定價:449
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 分享


自從西元八世紀在現今非洲的伊索比亞一位牧羊人意外發現咖啡後,咖啡逐漸在赤道南北25度區域大量種植,至今咖啡堪稱世界上最重要的飲品之首,不只代表生活享受與品味,更是一種生活方式。世界音樂名廠Putumayo推出的咖啡館主題可以說是最具代表的暢銷系列,包括French Café、Italian Café、Brazilian Café、Café Cubano、Celtic Café等等,一杯咖啡、一本書,配上音樂,就是最大的生活享受,但是否有選對音樂對喜愛喝咖啡的人來說非常重要,尤其是咖啡發源地的非洲,因為有這樣音樂文化才孕育出這樣的優質咖啡。

在全球期盼下終於推出了這張咖啡發源地的主題選輯「African Café」,收錄的歌曲都是最適合品味非洲咖啡的風格音樂,藝人團體全都是一時之選,包括非洲三大吉他男歌手,來自西非的Yoro Ndiaye、來自辛巴威的Oliver Mtukudzi及來自肯亞的Winyo,都以饒富非洲多彩的韻律畫出了一幅非洲彩圖;由法國、喀麥隆、剛果三地音樂家共組的團體Toto Bona Lokua以簡單的吉他與優美的合音唱出了非洲大地的悠閒;以熱鬧見長的剛果傳奇團體Franco et le T.P.O.K. Jazz難得以雋永洗鍊的抒情曲述說著非洲大地的故事;來自塞內加爾的新生代五人團體Takeifa也以他們的作品唱出了理想的非洲,聽完這些歌曲,就猶如坐在非洲大草原上,或置身於非洲咖啡館般看著自然美景悠閒度日。

The African continent not only gave birth to the human species, it’s also the place where coffee originated. Without Africa, we wouldn’t exist; without coffee, many of us would go through the day having a harder time existing. Add to this the fact that Africa is now home to some of the world’s largest tea-producing countries, and its importance in supporting café culture around the world becomes even more apparent.

While cafés are not as prevalent in Africa as they are in Europe or the U.S., the act of taking a few minutes out of a busy day to recharge and enjoy a steaming brew is as important in Africa as it is everywhere else in the world. Legend has it that coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia by a goatherd named Kaldi. In Ethiopia, an elaborate coffee ceremony is one of the defining aspects of local culture. Green coffee beans are roasted over an open flame, then ground with a mortar and pestle and boiled in a special pot called a jebena. The resulting infusion is poured into small cups and served with a side of popcorn. In Senegal, workers begin their day with café touba, a filtered coffee blended with pepper powder and cloves. People in South Africa love to add the creamy liqueur Amarula to their after-dinner coffee.

If coffee isn’t your cup of tea, there’s always…well…tea! Tea is even more popular in Africa than coffee, and Kenya is one of the world’s top tea producers. In Kenya, no day is complete without a hot chai masala, an Indian influenced blend of black tea, spices and milk that reflects East Africa’s historical role in the global spice trade. The South African rooibos (“red bush” in Afrikaans) is the source of an herbal tea that is known throughout the world thanks to its rich flavor and ruby color. Wherever you travel in North Africa, any social gathering will include a glass of strong, sweet mint tea.

Walk into any café around the world and the influence of Africa is there, be it the Kenya AA coffee being ground up for high-end lattes or the Tanzanian luponde teas that are ubiquitous offerings. This collection of acoustic songs from across the continent offers even more flavors of Africa. Whether you are sipping an espresso in a tent on the savanna or savoring a rooibos latte in a hipster bistro in Seattle, these songs should help put you in a n African state of mind.






    • 01Yoro Ndiaye - Namm Naa Leen
    • 02Toto Bona Lokua - M’aa Kiana
    • 03Oliver Mtukudzi - Mukana
    • 04Jaja Bashengezi - Ndule
    • 05Takeifa - Yeke Yeke
    • 06Les Frères Guissé - Jikko
    • 07Winyo - Odongo
    • 08Rokia Traoré - Laidu
    • 09Ray Lema with Ballou Canta, Fredy Massamba, and Rodrigo Viana - Leila
    • 10Franco et le T.P.O.K. Jazz - Likambo Ya Ngana




    • 【醫療保健】楊定一全新作品!重啟人生,再次出發,我們亟需一個全新的開始,走出有毒的關係,看清自戀的倒影,突破受害心態的枷鎖,活出這一生的祝福《水仙:從自戀談起,一種逆風的解讀》








