

Anthony Hopkins
  • 出生:1937年12月31日
  • 國籍:英國

1937 年十二月三十一日生於英國,1967 年便開始從影,至今已將近四十年;他予人冷靜、典雅、穩重、聰明絕頂的第一印象,「沈默的羔羊」、「人魔」、「紅龍」中聰明絕頂殺人魔的形象更是令人難忘;他曾經數度說要息影,不過看樣子各大導演們還是捨不得放棄這位演技精湛無比的資深演員,近年來他也不斷有作品問世。 作品表 Composer 意外訪客 August (1996) Dylan Thomas: Return Journey (1990) 演員(男) Black Sheep (2002) Devil and Daniel Webster, The (2001) 勿忘我 Hearts in Atlantis (2001) 人魔 Hannibal (2001) 鬼靈精 How the Grinch Stole Christmas (voice) (2000) 不可能的任務2 Mission: Impossible II (uncredited) (2000) Titus (1999) Siegfried & Roy: The Magic Box (voice) (1999) 本能反應 Instinct (1999) 第六感生死緣 Meet Joe Black (1998) 蒙面俠蘇洛 Mask of Zorro, The (1998) Lost Children of Berlin, The (1997) 勇者無懼 Amistad (1997) 1997勢不兩立 Edge, The (1997) 狂愛走一回 Surviving Picasso (1996) Marlon Brando: The Wild One (TV) (1996) 意外訪客 August (1996) 白宮風暴 Nixon (1995) Century of Cinema, A (1994) 真愛一世情 Legends of the Fall (1994) Road to Wellville, The (1994) Baseball (mini) TV Series (voice) (1994) Selected Exits (TV) (1993) 影子大地 Shadowlands (1993) Remains of the Day, The (1993) Innocent, The (1993) Trial, The (1993) 卓別林與她的情人 Chaplin (1992) 吸血鬼 Dracula (1992) 暴力當道 To Be the Best (TV) (1992) 此情可間天 Howards End (1992) Freejack (1992) Spotswood (1991) One Man’s War (TV) (1991) 沉默的羔羊 Silence of the Lambs, The (1991) 致命時刻 Desperate Hours (1990) 烈愛風雲 Great Expectations (mini) TV Series (1989) Heartland (TV) (1989) Across the Lake (TV) (1988) Chorus of Disapproval, A (1988) Dawning, The (1988) Tenth Man, The (TV) (1988) Good Father, The (1987) 84 Charing Cross Road (1986) Hollywood Wives (mini) TV Series (1985) Blunt (TV) (1985) Guilty Conscience (TV) (1985) Mussolini: The Decline and Fall of Il Duce (TV) (1985) 凱旋門 Arch of Triumph (TV) (1985) Married Man, A (TV) (1984) Strangers and Brothers (TV) (1984) Bounty, The (1984) Making of ’The Bounty’, The (TV) (1984) Little Eyolf (TV) (1982) 鐘樓怪人 Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (TV) (1982) 奧塞羅 Othello (TV) (1981) Peter and Paul (TV) (1981) Bunker, The (TV) (1981) 象人 Elephant Man, The (1980) Change of Seasons, A (1980) Mayflower: The Pilgrims’ Adventure (TV) (1979) International Velvet (1978) Magic (1978) Kean (mini) TV Series (1978) Bridge Too Far, A (1977) Audrey Rose (1977) Victory at Entebbe (TV) (1976) Lindbergh Kidnapping Case, The (TV) (1976) 黑色的勝利 Dark Victory (TV) (1976) All Creatures Great and Small (1974) Arcata Promise, The (TV) (1974) 鐵幕情天恨 Girl from Petrovka, The (1974) Possessions (TV) (1974) Find Me (TV) (1974) Juggernaut (1974) Childhood Friend, The (TV) (1974) QB VII (mini) TV Series (1974) Doll’s House, A (1973) 戰爭與和平 War and Peace (mini) TV Series (1973) Lloyd George (TV) (1973) Edwardians, The (TV) (1972) Young Winston (1972) Poet Game (TV) (1972) Decision to Burn (TV) (1971) When Eight Bells Toll (1971) Great Inimitable Mr. Dickens, The (TV) (1970) Hearts and Flowers (TV) (1970) Uncle Vanya (TV) (1970) Danton (TV) (1970) Looking Glass War, The (1970) 王子復仇記 Hamlet (1969) Three Sisters, The (TV) (1969) 冬之獅 Lion in Winter, The (1968) Flea in Her Ear, A (TV) (1967) White Bus, The (1966) 萬夫莫敵 Spartacus (voice) (1960) 導演 意外訪客 August (1996) Dylan Thomas: Return Journey (1990)



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