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Part 4 簡短獨白
Questions 80-82 refer to the following announcement.
Good evening and welcome to the Clark County School District’s annual employee awards dinner. [(80)We’re happy to be holding it here again at the Kim’s restaurant in the Grand Hotel.] This evening, in addition to thanking all of our employees for their hard work, we would like to especially honor our cafeteria director Michael Clare. [(81)Mr. Clare and his staff have created an award-winning meal program for our students, which is a model for all other districts. Thanks to their hard work, our school district lunches are ranked the healthiest in the state.] Now to begin the evening, let’s all enjoy the wonderful dinner here at Kim’s before proceeding with the ceremonies. After that, [(82)we will have an address by Principal Wallace followed by live music and dancing.]
80. Where most likely is the speaker?
(A)   At a convention center
(B)   At a hotel restaurant
(C)   At an auditorium
(D)   At a school’s cafeteria
(A) 會議中心
(B) 飯店餐廳
(C) 大禮堂
(D) 學校餐廳
81. What is mentioned about Michael Clare?
(A) He runs a small business.
(B) He has organized an awards ceremony.
(C) He was elected the best chef in the state.
(D) He has improved school lunch programs.
81. 提及關於麥克克萊爾什麼內容?
(A) 他開一家小公司。
(B) 他安排一個頒獎典禮。
(C) 他獲選為全州最佳主廚。
(D) 他改善學校午餐計畫。
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