蓮師在不丹:伏藏傳奇-不丹覽勝 (不丹中英合訂本)

蓮師在不丹:伏藏傳奇-不丹覽勝 (不丹中英合訂本)

Following Guru Rinpoche’s Footsteps in Bhutan

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  • 優惠價:9351
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  作者來自被譽為全世界最快樂的國家――不丹,特以「在地人」的身份將「家鄉之美」介紹給大眾,書中特別著墨於「蓮師殊勝的伏藏聖地與典故」,因此文章中不僅回溯歷史並呈現當代的場景,希冀透過圖文並茂與多樣語文的闡述,提供讀者見證蓮師與佛陀無二無別真實存在於地球。同時,希望喚醒全世界關注不丹是如何成為全世界最快樂的國家?不丹在教育、環保和經濟上,運用了何種道理與方法?祈願  鑒古知今,眾人發揮一己之力,為地球創造更美好的環境;更祈願  人人成為快樂的人,地球是銀河系中最快樂的星球。(※不丹人民穿戴的服飾,用以表徵包裹經典的莊嚴與典雅方式;正提醒著――自身即是一部「經典」、自心即是「伏藏」。)







  About the author

  Dorji Jamtshok was born in 1970 in the district of Bumthang of central Bhutan. He attended Samtokha Language and Culture Studies School in Bhutan at a very young age. In 1991-1996, he studied Buddhist treaties and tantrism at Tashi Jong Khampagar Buddhist College and Bir Nyingma Buddhist College in Himachal Pradesh, India.

  In 1997, he came to Taiwan and enrolled at the Mandarin Training Center of the National Taiwan Normal University. Currently, he devotes himself to the translation of Buddhist literatures from Tibetan to Chinese. His notable works include: For the Benefits of Living Beings: Guided Prayers and Practice of Yidam Chenrezig, Instruction on Bardo Liberation through hearing on the After-Death Plane, The Teachings of Phowa: Transference of Consciousness at the Time of Death, and many others.


序                       Preface

蓮師首次蒞臨不丹         Guru Rinpoche’s First Visit               
古杰寺伏藏覽勝       Guide to Kurjey Terma Site                 
拿比聖地伏藏覽勝     Guide to Nabji Terma Site                    

蓮師二度親訪不丹         Guru Rinpoche’s Second Visit           
辛給宗伏藏覽勝       Guide to Singye Dzong Terma Site           
虎穴寺伏藏覽勝       Guide to Tiger’s Nest Terma Site   

蓮師第三度拜訪不丹       Guru Rinpoche’s Third Visit        
苯塘區伏藏覽勝       Guide to Bumthang Terma Site             

蓮師第四度造訪不丹       Guru Rinpoche’s Fourth Visit          
朗達聖地伏藏覽勝     Guide to Baylangdra Terma Site               

朝聖的功德力             Meritorious Power of Pilgrimage

朝聖的動機               Motivation is All That Matters    
淨心                 Pure Mind                                          
舉止                 Mannerism                                     
朝聖的物品           Items for the Pilgrimage

跟隨蓮師的步履           Following Guru Rinpoche’s Footsteps
七句祈請文與釋義     The Seven-Line Prayer and Interpretation
蓮師心咒與釋義       The Heart Mantra of Guru Rinpoche and Interpretation  
金剛祈請文與釋義     The Vajra Prayer and Interpretation
祈請蓮師妙加持       Praying for Guru Rinpoche’s blessings   

蓮花生大師法相           Guru Rinpoche’s Dharma Forms
註釋                     Notes                   
參考書目                 References                    
後記                     Epilogue

  不丹王國是蓮花生大師(Guru Rinpoche)所加持的極殊勝之伏藏聖地,亦即人們心中的香格里拉。來至西藏的夏尊法王(Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal)將不丹建構為政教合一、篤信佛法的民主國家;之後的歷代國王不遺餘力地保存固有傳統文化、守護大自然珍奇稀有的物種。

  第四任國王吉美辛給汪秋(Jigme Singye Wangchuk)與現任國王吉美給舍南給汪秋(Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuk),推動「全國快樂Gross National Happiness」政策,使得不丹成為全世界最快樂的國家。



  筆者編著本書的目的是希望對參訪者有所助緣;但由於個人涉獵有限,書中文字、內容或引用如有錯誤或疏漏,願於諸大學者座前懺悔,敬請  十方大德海涵。


  Bhutan is renowned for its many sacred sites of Terma treasure concealed and blessed by Guru Rinpoche, and is regarded worldwide as a mystical Shangri-La. The founder of Bhutan, Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal (1594-1651), born in Tibet, unified Bhutan as a democratic state. He was the first to establish Buddhism as state religion, and initiated a dual governmental system of religion and politics. It was upon this foundation that all his successors had spared no effort in maintaining Bhutan’s tradition and culture, and in safeguarding its rare flora and fauna species.
  The “Gross National Happiness” policy promulgated by Jigme Singye Wangchuk, the fourth King, and the incumbent Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuk, had ranked Bhutan as the happiest country of the world.
  As the number of pilgrims and tourists yearning for a trip to Bhutan rises each year, it is therefore very important that they have a brief understanding of the allusions and implications containing in the profound Terma treasures (the hidden treasure of Dharma teachings and other precious objects), the story behind the imprints of body, hand and foot, and many other miraculous deeds performed by Guru Rinpoche.
  Following Guru Rinpoche’s Footsteps in Bhutan is not intended as an academic text for intellectual studies, instead, it aims to arouse the faith in Guru Rinpoche, and to provide a useful reference to his teachings in the early days. The profound and abstruse nature of Terma makes it very difficult for an ordinary man like myself to grasp its deepest meanings. It is therefore of exceptional importance that people should equip themselves with appropriate motivation, attitude and behavior, if they want to accumulate merits, make provisions, and gain blessings.

  It is my sincerest wish that the book will assist visitors who are aspired to explore the Land of the Thunder Dragon. I would like to thank Mr Pema Rizgin, Miss Pauline Wang, and Miss Chien-Yen Huang for their remarkable illustrations and Miss Ravi Pi for her admirable dedication to editing the text. Without them, it could not have been the same as it is now. I will take full responsibility and beg your forgiveness for any mistakes or omissions contained in the book.  

Droji Jamtsho


  • ISBN:9789574352326
  • 叢書系列:樂佛系列
  • 規格:平裝 / 288頁 / 17 x 23 x 1.44 cm / 普通級 / 部份全彩 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 語文:其他語文


Inconceivable merits of terma site
依據掘藏師謝惹洛典(Sherab Lodan)在辛給宗聖地所取出的伏藏,蓮花生大師預言辛給宗聖地之功德,如是云:
埋藏眾多諸珍寶  地底地面遍伏藏  高山斷崖留足跡
遍處聖地悉實修  尋覓洞穴得成就
無數伏藏埋聖地  稀有功德不可思
When visiting Bhutan, Guru Rinpoche would conduct practices and displayed various psychic powers. He had also concealed many termas for the benefits of living beings. Among them, Buddha statues represents the body; scriptures represents the speech; pagodas and relics represents the mind; precious stones represents the merits; and numerous liberation nectar represents the virtuous karmas of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
According to the Terma Texts uncovered by Terton Sherab Lodan at  Singye Dzong, the merits prophesied by Guru Rinpoche were as follows:
“Concealed were a host of precious treasures.
On earth and underground, and in high mountains and cliffs,
my footprints shall remain.”
“At every holy site, I conducted practice,
and searched the cave and accomplished my goal.
Numerous are the terma holy sites, incredibly rare are the merits gained.”




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