You! hypocrite lecteur!—mon semblable,—mon frère!
The Waste Land, line 76
1. MPA 3.0簡介:歷史地和理論地說明MPA(身體行動方法)的來龍去脈,為整個DVD的敘述提供了更學術性的理論基礎。
2. 《我倆經》:這個1371字的文本乃MPA的《心經》──身體行動方法的理論和實踐簡明地立基於此,方便表演者/行者的朝夕課誦,依教奉行。
3. The I-I Sutra:《我倆經》的英文版,方便表演者/行者從不同的文脈一窺葛羅托斯基的教誨精華。
4. 《我倆經》注:身體行動之外,理論辯證也是不容忽視的一環。「博學之,審問之,慎思之,明辨之,篤行之」,真的是表演者/行者朝朝暮暮、終身不輟的課業。
To the Reader
You! hypocrite lecteur!—mon semblable,—mon frère!
The Waste Land, line 76
This Method of Physical Actions DVD includes this booklet, with four discourses.
1. An introduction to MPA 3.0: historically and theoretically elucidating the ins and outs of MPA (the Method of Physical Actions), providing a more academic theoretical foundation for the narration of the DVD.
2. The Chinese version of Grotowski’s I-I Sutra : this 1371 word long sutra is the heart of MPA. The theory and practice of the MPA method are established here, so actors and doers may study it day and night.
3. The English version of the I-I Sutra is included so actors and doers may examine the essence of Grotowski’s teachings through a different lens.
4. An explanation of the I-I Sutra : the key of Grotowski’s concept of Art as vehicle is that in addition to physical actions, theoretical dialectics must not be neglected. “Learn thoroughly, examine meticulously, ponder deeply, discern attentively, practice seriously;” this is the daily exercise that an actor or doer practices daily to the end of their days.
These four discourses are taken from Self-Mutilation, Nudity, and Compassion: The Essence Shines When You Penetrate the Three Bodies by Professor Mingder Chung (published in July 2020, Taipei National University of the Arts). For further reading, please refer to the Bibliography and Notes.