皮亞佐拉百歲誕辰專輯 / 拉德克.巴伯羅柯 法國號 / 巴伯羅柯樂團

皮亞佐拉百歲誕辰專輯 / 拉德克.巴伯羅柯 法國號 / 巴伯羅柯樂團

Cuatrocientas Estaciones de Piazzolla / Radek Baborak

  • 發行公司:Suparphon
  • 產品編號:ANI092
  • 發行日期:2021/03/11
  • 媒體形式:CD
  • 張數:1 張 - 1CD
  • 定價:729
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 分享


皮亞佐拉(1921~1992)百歲誕辰專輯 (遺忘/父親,再見/自由探戈/華麗的探戈) / 巴伯羅柯 法國號 / 巴伯羅柯樂團

作曲家: Astor Piazzolla
演出者: Radek Baborak (horn) 
樂團: Orquestrina

在皮亞佐拉一百週年誕辰之際, 一張專輯收錄了這位著名作曲家最知名的阿根廷探戈風格的作品, 由指揮家兼傑出的法國號演奏家拉德克.巴伯羅柯所發行. 這張專輯是在皮亞佐拉一百歲生日的2021年3月11日發行. 巧合的是, 完成這張開創性的皮亞佐拉作品專輯的改編者巴伯羅柯的生日也是在同一天慶祝他的生日. 此專輯在與一個最佳的獨奏家和室內樂演奏家組成的巴伯羅柯樂團(Radek Baborak Orquestrina)合作下完成錄製. 其可變動的陣容是根據大部份是為其他樂器而客製化改編的音樂所組成的個別專案需求而調整. 巴伯羅柯希望藉由像這樣的改編來擴充法國號曲目的期望最終讓他遇到了皮亞佐拉的音樂. 在和改編者湯瑪斯.伊萊(Tomas Ille)和獲得曾經在受歡迎的皮亞佐拉五重奏成員中十年的著名小提琴家費南多.蘇雷茲.帕斯(Fernando Suarez Paz)的諮詢下, 巴伯羅柯在2014年與他的合奏團的首張專輯中, 發表他的第一次原創皮亞佐拉改編作品. 然後在2019年, 他將與同一樂團錄製的一整張同名專輯奉獻給皮亞佐拉. 原本是由手風琴所提供探戈聲音的特徵, 經由巴伯羅柯改編成用法國號, 低音單簧管, 小提琴和鋼琴來演奏. 巴伯羅柯和他的同伴們一起擴充了演奏皮亞佐拉音樂的聲音和音效: 包含法國號的饒舌音(rapping), 低音單簧管演奏的打舌音(slaps), 預置鋼琴(prepared piano)的滑奏音(glissandos), 模擬蟬, 警報器和其他聲音. 在表演皮亞佐拉的音樂時, 巴伯羅柯樂團的團員們經常加入即興華彩樂段(cadenzas), 固定的即興表演和自由演奏皮亞佐拉的典型裝飾奏. 他們自發的充沛精力和抒情表演將皮亞佐拉創意的作曲帶到一個新的境界.

In the year of the centenary of Astor Piazzolla's birth, an album comprising some of the renowned composer's best-known compositions in the style of the Argentine tango is released by the conductor and phenomenal horn player Radek Baborak. The album's release on 11 March 2021 marks what would have been Piazzolla's one hundredth birthday. Coincidentally, Radek Baborak, who has completed his pioneering journey as an arranger of Piazzolla's work with this album, celebrates his birthday on the same day. The album has been recorded in collaboration with Radek Baborak Orquestrina, an ensemble composed of foremost soloists and chamber players. Its variable line-up is adjusted according to the needs of individual projects which mostly consist of tailor-made arrangements of music originally composed for other instruments. Baborak's wish to extend the repertoire for the French horn through such arrangements eventually brought him to Astor Piazzolla. In collaboration with the arranger Tomas Ille and having received consultations from the famous violinist Fernando Suarez Paz who had been member of Piazzolla's acclaimed Quinteto for ten years, Baborak introduced his first, original arrangements of Piazzolla's music in 2014, on the debut album of his ensemble. In 2019 he dedicated an entire eponymous album to Piazzolla, also recorded by Orquestrina. The characteristic sound of tango, provided by the bandoneon, is produced in Baborak's arrangements by the French horn, bass clarinet, violin and piano. Together with his colleagues, Baborak has expanded the catalogue of sounds and sound effects available for the performance of Piazzolla's music, including rapping on the French horn, slaps performed on bass clarinet, prepared piano, glissandos, imitation of the sound of cicadas, sirens and others. Performing Piazzola's music, the members of Orquestrina often incorporate improvised cadenzas, fixed improvisations and make free with Piazzolla's typical ornamentation. Their spontaneously energetic and at the same time lyrical performance takes Piazzolla's compositional inventiveness onto an entirely new level.


Astor Piazzolla
Cuatro Estaciones Portenas
1. Otono Porteno 06:08
2. Invierno Porteno 07:41
3. Primavera Portena 06:00
4. Verano Porteno 06:52

5. Le Grand Tango 12:34
6. Adios Nonino 16:50
7. Oblivion 06:27
8. Libertango 04:55





    • 01Otono Porteno 06:08
    • 02Invierno Porteno 07:41
    • 03Primavera Portena 06:00
    • 04Verano Porteno 06:52
    • 05Le Grand Tango 12:34
    • 06Adios Nonino 16:50
    • 07Oblivion 06:27
    • 08Libertango 04:55




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