Howl and Other Poems

Howl and Other Poems

  • 作者: Ginsberg, Allen
  • 原文出版社:City Lights Publishers - City Lights Publishe
  • 出版日期:1956/01/01
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:302
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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  • 嘿,活著是可以的,妳試看看吧:最末的自由──讀艾倫.金斯堡〈預言〉


    讓我們把目光轉回1985年,艾倫.金斯堡已在美國科羅拉多州的那洛巴大學講學數年,那是個與現在相較之下如此奢侈的年代,大學邀請了當時一些「垮掉的一代」著名詩人及藝術家,諸如艾倫.金斯堡、安妮.沃爾德曼、約翰.凱吉等,為所謂「不合時宜」的大人與孩子們量身打造一系列嶄新的藝術課程,那是以 more
  • 如何在超市向喜歡的詩人致敬──詩人,你在西瓜前想什麽?


    詩人向詩人致意的詩很多,動不動都會有。我讀到了艾倫金斯堡的〈加州超市〉,一驚是他以如此方式向喜歡的詩人致敬,由逛超市想到上世紀的詩人惠特曼,接著他們就在美國的超市對話起來;二驚是不經意的一句閃過另一位西班牙詩人,羅卡的名字,全詩僅有這句:「還有你──賈西亞羅卡,你在西瓜幹嘛?」 more


"Ginsberg reigned as the raucous poet of American hippiedom and as a literary pioneer whose freewheeling masterwork, Howl, prevailed against government censorship in a landmark obscenity trial 50 years ago."-New York Times

Allen Ginsberg's Howl and Other Poems was originally published by City Lights Books in the Fall of 1956. Subsequently seized by U.S. customs and the San Francisco police, it was the subject of a long court trail at which a series of poets and professors persuaded the court that the book was not obscene. Howl & Other Poems is the single most influential poetic work of the post-World War II era, with over 1,000,000 copies now in print.

"Howl was Allen's metamorphosis from quiet, brilliant, burning bohemian scholar trapped by his flames and repressions to epic vocal bard."--Michael McClure

"It is the poet, Allen Ginsberg, who has gone, in his own body, through the horrifying experiences described from life in these pages." --William Carlos Williams

"At the height of his bardic powers, Allen Ginsberg could terrify the authorities with the mere utterance of the syllable "om" as he led street throngs of citizens protesting the Vietnam War. Ginsberg reigned as the raucous poet of American hippiedom and as a literary pioneer whose freewheeling masterwork "Howl" prevailed against government censorship in a landmark obscenity trial 50 years ago." -- New York Times

"Fifty years ago, on October 3, Judge Clayton Horn ruled that Allen Ginsberg's great epic Beat-era poem HOWL was not obscene but instead, a work of literary and social merit. This ruling allowed for the publication of HOWL and exonerated the poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti, who faced jail time and a fine 50 years ago for publishing HOWL." --

Allen Ginsberg was born June 3, 1926, the son of Naomi Ginsberg, Russian migr , and Louis Ginsberg, lyric poet and schoolteacher, in Paterson, New Jersey. To these facts Ginsberg adds: "High school in Paterson till 17, Columbia College, merchant marine, Texas and Denver copyboy, Times Square, amigos in jail, dishwashing, book reviews, Mexico City, market research, Satori in Harlem, Yucatan and Chiapas 1954, West Coast 3 years. Later Arctic Sea trip, Tangier, Venice, Amsterdam, Paris, read at Oxford Harvard Columbia Chicago, quit, wrote Kaddish 1959, made tape to leave behind & fade in Orient awhile. Carl Solomon to whom Howl is addressed, is a intuitive Bronx dadaist and prose-poet."




Allen Ginsberg is also the author of Howl and Other Poems, which was originally published by City Lights Books in the fall of 1956.



  • ISBN:9780872860179
  • 規格:平裝 / 57頁 / 16.3 x 12.2 x 0.5 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國




  • 【文學小說-華文創作】擁抱愛情的不可預測,更有智慧地去愛 __《愛能長久嗎?》









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