Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot

Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot

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  • 【OKAPI主題閱讀|3月】找到屬於你的繪本,踏入圖像的迷人世界


    為什麼大人小孩都喜歡讀繪本?繪本如此迷人,不分年齡,只要遇到屬於你的那一本繪本,就有可能一頭栽入這個多彩豐富的世界。OKAPI為喜歡看繪本的你收攏相關主題文章,從創作者、譯者到讀者;從台灣本土到整個世界,各式新奇、溫馨、有趣的主題與人物,創意初始的靈光乍現,只在此為你展現。 你可 more
  • 【主題繪本控】賴嘉綾:天空是大家的!──繪本裡的女飛行員


    從萊特兄弟讓人乘著飛機飛上天空後,這個新奇的交通工具成為眾所熱愛、又懼又喜的新玩具。飛機的發明讓人類一再挑戰速度和高度,有趣的是,在第二次世界大戰之前,駕駛飛機是一件新奇時髦的活動,不管男性女性都想用飛行來證明自己的魅力。 貝絲.克曼的飛行員執照 1927年5月20日,25歲的林白用了33 more


A True Story of the Berlin Airlift and the Candy that Dropped from the Sky.

Life was grim in 1948 West Berlin, Germany. Josef Stalin blockaded all ground routes coming in and out of Berlin to cut off West Berliners from all food and essential supplies. Without outside help, over 2.2 million people would die.

Thus began the Berlin Airlift, a humanitarian rescue mission that utilized British and American airplanes and pilots to fly in needed supplies. As one of the American pilots participating in the Airlift mission, Lt. Gail S. Halvorsen helped to provide not only nourishment to the children but also gave them a reason to hope for a better world. From one thoughtful, generous act came a lifelong relationship between Lt. Gail and the children of Berlin.

This is the true story of a seven-year-old girl named Mercedes who lived in West Berlin during the Airlift and of the American who came to be known as the Chocolate Pilot.

Artist Gijsbert van Frankenhuyzen's evocative paintings illuminate Margot Theis Raven's powerful story of hope, friendship and remembrance.

About the Author: Margot Theis Raven has been a professional writer working in the fields of radio, television, magazines, newspapers, and children's books for thirty years. She has won five national awards, including an IRA Teacher's Choice award. Ms. Raven earned her degree in English from Rosemont College and attended Villanova University for theater study, and Kent State University for German language. Ms. Raven splits her time living in Concord, MA, Charleston, SC and West Chesterfield, NH.

About the Illustrator: Born in the Netherlands, Gijsbert van Frankenhuyzen studied at the Royal Academy of Arts inHolland. He immigrated to the United States in 1976, and years later he became a children's book illustrator. "Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot" is Nick's ninth children's book with Sleeping Bear Press.



  • ISBN:9781585360697
  • 規格:精裝 / 48頁 / 28.4 x 24.6 x 1 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國
  • 適讀年齡:8歲~12歲




  • 【商業理財-商業】商業周刊電子書暢銷展:實踐理想自己,閱讀,找到工作/生活/自己的平衡與幸福,單書88折、雙書82折









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