《森林王子》立體書改編自吉卜林的經典冒險故事,在Matthew Reinhart的精心設計下,我們彷彿走進了小男孩莫格利的世界,跟著他一起學習叢林生存法則、騎大象、甚至面對驚心動魄的老虎攻擊!翻開左右兩側的小書還有豐富的文字敘述,讓孩子也能瞭解故事全貌。
In this stunning retelling of a phenomenal classic, honor is tested, battles of good over evil are waged, and the importance of family reigns supreme. True to Rudyard Kipling's original story, tree branches literally draw the reader in to this tale of Mowgli the Man Cub exploring the ruins of the Lost City, riding atop thundering elephants, and facing a fierce tiger attack A must-have for every family's library, this epic pop-up adventure features paper engineering as intricate and magical as the very laws of the jungle.