◆ 這些畫法全來自美術學校的訓練,但卻好玩得不得了!
◆ 英國知名插畫家瑪莉安.杜莎(Marion Deuchars)享譽國際的暢銷畫畫書!
畫畫無難事,只怕老師不會教。Marion是享譽國際的英國插畫家,以鮮明的手繪風獨樹一格,合作的客戶從名廚名廚傑米‧奧利佛(Jamie Oliver)、企鵝出版社(Penguin Books)、雜誌Wallpaper、Design Museum到英國《衛報》等。插畫是她的本業,但她卻出了一本教大家畫畫的書,而且方法出奇的簡單?
瑪莉安.杜莎(Marion Deuchars)
享譽國際的得獎插畫家,風格鮮明,辨識度高。作品包括為企鵝出版社設計的多款封面,英國《衛報》、《紐約雜誌》和名廚傑米.奧利佛(Jamie Oliver)都曾委託她繪製插畫,另外也曾為福特和一級方程式賽車設計廣告案。
In this interactive coloring and activity book, Marion Deuchars takes the broad canvas of art and fills it with drawings and activities that engage with what art can be, how it can be made, what it can mean for you and what it has meant for people through the ages. Aimed at children aged eight and older, the emphasis is on fun and making the creation of art an integral part of the way you express yourself.