英國插畫家瑪莉安.杜莎在為人津津樂道的前作《如何畫得有意思?》(Let’s Make Some Great Art) 中,以極富創意的方式引導讀者體驗手繪樂趣。她在近期推出的新作《Draw, Paint and Print Like the Great Artists》裡,挑選出三十多位名留青史的藝術作品,引導讀者快速掌握經典鉅作背後不為人知的繪圖技巧,進而親近藝術,讓藝術融入生活裡。
瑪莉安以不同畫風、技法作分類,詳細介紹藝術家們的生平與重要作品,用色豐富的手繪彩圖大大增加了本書的可看性。快把心愛的鉛筆帶上,一起體驗保羅·克利的創作過程;米羅的色彩實驗也即將開始,快快準備就序,從畫筆、顏料到技法,按部就班地學習,你也能搖身一變為超現實主義風格畫家!(文/ 博客來編譯)
In this imaginative new activity book, Marion Deuchars makes learning about art fun. Young readers are introduced to more than thirty great artists, then encouraged to try out the techniques that lie behind their greatest works.
Short and accessible facts about each artist''s life and works are followed by creative projects that Marion has devised based on the artist''s particular techniques. Take your pencil for a walk in the spirit of Paul Klee, experiment with color like Joan Mir , or create your own surrealist-inspired artwork.