Last Words from Montmartre

Last Words from Montmartre

  • 定價:644
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  • 吳曉樂/戰爭有女人的臉──讀王鷗行《此生,你我皆短暫燦爛》


    這是一個怎樣的故事?書腰說是「是一封寫給不識字的母親的信」。你打開,扉頁引用邱妙津,足叫人眼前一黑,耳朵一聾。王鷗行是最年輕的艾略特獎得獎詩人,書中很多字句你會忍不住想讀出來,我們很少對小說這麼做,讀,並且讀「出來」,好像你相信這些文字不應只有一種生命。我屢屢懷疑有多少讀者跟我 more
  • 紀大偉 / 我住王鷗行隔壁──讀《此生,你我皆短暫燦爛》


    2019年,邱妙津《蒙馬特遺書》的英文版翻譯者韓瑞從美國飛來臺北,在政治大學分享翻譯邱妙津的經驗。那時候我首次得知,越南裔美國詩人「王海洋」即將出版一本自傳性小說,全書出現的第一句話就來自《蒙馬特遺書》:「但是讓我再以我的生命為基礎,用我的文字建這一小方地,看看,能不能再給你一個中 more


An NYRB Classics Original

When the pioneering Taiwanese novelist Qiu Miaojin committed suicide in 1995 at age twenty-six, she left behind her unpublished masterpiece, Last Words from Montmartre. Unfolding through a series of letters written by an unnamed narrator, Last Words tells the story of a passionate relationship between two young women--their sexual awakening, their gradual breakup, and the devastating aftermath of their broken love. In a style that veers between extremes, from self-deprecation to pathos, compulsive repetition to rhapsodic musings, reticence to vulnerability, Qiu's genre-bending novel is at once a psychological thriller, a sublime romance, and the author's own suicide note.

The letters (which, Qiu tells us, can be read in any order) leap between Paris, Taipei, and Tokyo. They display wrenching insights into what it means to live between cultures, languages, and genders--until the genderless character Zo appears, and the narrator's spiritual and physical identity is transformed. As powerfully raw and transcendent as Mishima's Confessions of a Mask, Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther, and Theresa Cha's Dict e, to name but a few, Last Words from Montmartre proves Qiu Miaojin to be one of the finest experimentalists and modernist Chinese-language writers of our generation.



Qiu Miaojin (1969-1995)--one of Taiwan’s most innovative literary modernists, and the country’s most renowned lesbian writer--was born in Chuanghua County in western Taiwan. She graduated with a degree in psychology from National Taiwan University and pursued graduate studies in clinical psychology at the University of Paris VIII . Her first published story, "Prisoner," received the Central Daily News Short Story Prize, and her novella Lonely Crowds won the United Literature Association Award. While in Paris, she directed a thirty-minute film called Ghost Carnival, and not long after this, at the age of twenty-six, she committed suicide. The posthumous publications of her novels Last Words from Montmartre and Notes of a Crocodile (forthcoming from NYRB Classics) made her into one of the most revered countercultural icons in Chinese letters. After her death in 1995, she was given the China Times Honorary Prize for Literature. In 2007, a two-volume edition of her Diaries was published.

Ari Larissa Heinrich received a master’s in Chinese literature from Harvard and a PhD in Chinese studies from the University of California at Berkeley. Heinrich and Qiu--who would have been the same age if Qiu were still alive--crossed paths without knowing each other in Taipei and in Paris. He is the author of The Afterlife of Images: Translating the Pathological Body Between China and the West and the coeditor of Queer Sinophone Cultures. He teaches at the University of California at San Diego.



  • ISBN:9781590177259
  • 規格:平裝 / 161頁 / 20.8 x 12.7 x 1.3 cm / 普通級 / 譯本
  • 出版地:美國




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