動物是天生的建築師。牠們使用這些演化來的牙齒、嘴、爪,來捕捉食物,創造住所,撫育下一代。Shawn Sheehy在這本令人驚嘆的立體書中,使用各種紙藝技術,全書將7種動物的建築技術與結構,按其功能性,向我們近距離展示動物世界的建築傑作,並在短文中說明連接每個動物之間的相互關連性,讓我們在翻頁之間,除了欣賞逼真的彈出、立體手雕等立體書技法外,更在這本以森林邊緣放大了7個動物建造者之間的行為模式,學習到一個個生命之間共生平衡的關係。
作為一位紙藝藝術家,Shawn Sheehy專注在將他對大自然的植物與動物天生的身型型式,以及各項行為或生長的細節,以立體書的方式,放大細節向讀者展示自然的美。更重要的是,人在欣賞自然之美的同時,也能尊重並欣賞自然界萬物之間的共生美好關係,保育、愛護這個完美的平衡。【文∕博客來外文館】
In this stunning pop-up book, meet seven animal builders and see how their unique skills help them survive--and to live together in harmony in theneighborwood.
At the edge of the forest a spider spins her web, while nearby, a hummingbird uses strands of spider silk to build her nest. These are just two of the many animals who live side by side, sharing the resources they need to construct homes, traps, or places to store food. From award-winning artist Shawn Sheehy comes an up-close look at the architectural masterpieces of the animal world, featuring an array of beautiful, lifelike pop-ups originally crafted with handmade paper. The earthy exploration culminates in a breathtaking final spread showing all the neighborwood creatures together.