本書作者Michael Breen從1980年代起即為美國華盛頓郵報的駐首爾記者,長期觀察南北韓情勢,社會、文化、政治等議題,於衛報、華盛頓郵報、泰晤士報分析韓國動脈。最終更因此機緣定居下來,對於韓國一路的轉變與發展,持續擁有第一線的直接觀察。不僅出版許多韓國主題作品,於2004年出版的《The Koreans》,更已廣被英語閱讀世界認為是理解韓國性格及文化的必讀作品,讀起來並沒有論述性作品的生硬,而透過精采地將故事與軼聞交織在行文中,使讀者流暢地理解書中論點。連從事韓國研究的學者都推薦此書作為選讀。
除了高明的行文方式,長年針對韓國的關注與生活經驗,使Michael Breen的介紹不僅包含國際世界如何看待韓國,更能透過韓國自身的角度,觀看它的文化與社會。
《The New Koreans》是作者根據近年韓國轉變所寫成的更新版。舉凡對於權威的服從、企業與國家合一的保護主義、高自殺率與貧富不均等現象,結合深度的觀察與外國觀點,著眼於新韓國人的民族性上,以及他們如何從落後、貧窮與戰爭的背景中崛起。是什麼驅動著這個國家,它又朝向何方前進?透過深負洞察力的趣聞軼事與觀察,他描繪出亞洲最矛盾與兩極對立化的國家。南韓人透過對立激起動機,Breen認為:他們與對立的鄰國–北韓,以己身的歷史與國際輿論抗衡,他也將帶領讀者跨越非軍事區一瞰究竟。最後,他將聚焦韓國未來的發展與展望。搭配近日韓國朴瑾惠罷免、三星與現代等陷入獻金風暴議題,這個國家與人們將如何轉變?此書是一部理解此地人們與意識,不可錯過的參考之作。(文/博客來編譯)
Just a few decades ago, the South Koreans were an impoverished, agricultural people. In one generation they moved from the fields to Silicon Valley. They accomplished this through three totally unexpected miracles: economic development, democratization, and the arrival of their culture to global attention.
Who are the Koreans? What are they like? The New Koreans examines how they have been perceived by outsiders, the features that color their “national character,” and how their emergence from backwardness, poverty, and brutality happened. It also looks at why they remain unhappy―with the lowest birth rates and highest suicide rates in the developed world.
In The New Koreans, Michael Breen provides compelling insight into the history and character of this fascinating nation of South Korea, and casts an eye to future developments, as well as across the DMZ into North Korea.
"In an age where everyone is sharply critical of everyone else, The New Koreans is a delightful change of pace, pungent observations of Koreans as they see themselves and as outsiders see them, part history, part story telling, all pieces of a beautiful, frustrating, endearing puzzle fit together in a superb way as only a keen, veteran observer as Michael Breen can do."―James Church, author of A Corpse in the Koryo
“If someone is going to live in Korea or do business with the Koreans, this is certainly the book to read. It gives informative and deep introduction to this fascinating (and not well-known) country, and, in addition, it is an engaging read.”―Andrei Lankov, author of The Dawn of Modern Korea
"Breen is back, and better than ever. This is a broad and deep exposition of South Korean history, politics, economy and society that will have even the oldest Korea hands going 'I never knew that'. Top drawer stuff."―Daniel Tudor, author of Korea: The Impossible Country
"As Alexis de Tocqueville did with Americans of the 1830s, Michael Breen probes 21st century Koreans to the very core of their being. Never hesitating to skewer their fascinating idiosyncrasies, he paints a loving and, overall, admiring portrait highlighting strengths that in rapid-fire order have made the Republic of Korea an economic powerhouse and, now, a cultural exemplar. Not only is The New Koreans magnificent in its sweep and depth; as a bonus, it's way too much fun to read."―Bradley K. Martin, author of Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader