長年旅居日本的極客攝影師Héctor García,足跡踏遍日本各地,不僅拍攝許多絕美的日本景緻,也受到日本文化深刻的洗禮。本書將帶給所有讀者改變人生的工具,找出自己的ikigai。如何暫停生活的忙碌急迫,找到自己的目標,培養良好友誼並充滿熱情。
「Ikigai輕輕地解開了我們都可以長壽、有意義且喜悅的簡單秘密。有科學根據的研究精美地編織誠實、直言不諱的對話,你將無法放下此書。本書溫暖、耐心、善良,可以輕鬆地沿著你的旅途拉動你,而非從背後推你。」─Neil Pasricha,暢銷書 The Happiness Equation作者(文/博客來編譯)
Discover the Japanese secret to a long and happy life with the internationally bestselling guide to ikigai.
The people of Japan believe that everyone has an ikigai – a reason to jump out of bed each morning. And according to the residents of the Japanese island of Okinawa – the world’s longest-living people – finding it is the key to a longer and more fulfilled life.
Inspiring and comforting, this book will give you the life-changing tools to uncover your personal ikigai. It will show you how to leave urgency behind, find your purpose, nurture friendships and throw yourself into your passions.
Bring meaning and joy to your every day with ikigai.
'Ikigai gently unlocks simple secrets we can all use to live long, meaningful, happy lives. Science-based studies weave beautifully into honest, straight-talking conversation you won’t be able to put down. Warm, patient, and kind, this book pulls you gently along your own journey rather than pushing you from behind.' Neil Pasricha, bestselling author of The Happiness Equation