
The River of Consciousness

The River of Consciousness

  • 作者: Oliver Sacks
  • 原文出版社:Macmillan UK
  • 出版日期:2017/10/19
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:824
  • 運送方式:
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  • 【2017年度選書】《The River of Consciousness》│這河如詩如陷阱, 讓你醉心泅泳其中


    奧立佛.薩克斯身為神經科學研究權威,出版了十餘部暢銷作品,像是《腦袋裝了2000齣歌劇的人》、《錯把太太當帽子的人》、自傳《勇往直前》,因行文風格被紐約時報譽為「醫學界的桂冠詩人」。這本薩克斯於2015年因癌症離世兩週前,交付給編輯與親友的手稿。讓讀者除了年初薩克斯的伴侶海斯Bill Hayes more



  《睡人》、《火星上的人類學家》、《錯把太太當帽子的人》腦神經科學家奧利佛‧薩克斯Oliver Sacks遺作,帶領讀者探索意識之河

   薩克斯以其充滿詩意與同理心的文字,師法早期研究者生動的病例寫作風格,引領讀者透過豐富的神經科學病例故事,探索人類大腦與心智的奧秘。然而,隨著年 歲與罹病,薩克斯的寫作也融入了更多對於自身狀態的解析,以及長年行醫、研究的過程裡提煉出的省察。在這本離世前兩週才完稿交予親友的手稿,更反映薩克斯 人生最後時光裡的所思所感。

  全書包含十章主題各自獨立的散文,以不同的切片省思意識的意義。人類與植物的演化歷程、觀念的躍進流轉, 以及關於時間、速度的體驗、記憶、創造力…在各種神經失調的奇特案例裡,窺見大腦與心智的奧妙多樣。更飽含豐富的科學史以及人文哲學思想,道出達爾文是如 何鍾情於研究植物,而佛洛伊德在投入精神分析領域前,原可能是開拓神經科學研究的重要一員。兼容歷史與前沿神經科學研究,反思個人也展望宏觀演化,本書是 博學家薩克斯,留給讀者最後的精彩禮物。(文/博客來編譯)

  In his previous books, Oliver Sacks had addressed questions of the brain and mind through the lens of case histories of individuals with neurological disorders. Recently, however, he had been reflecting on his experiences with such patients in the context of a lifetime of medical practice, and in light of recent neuroscientific evidence and theories. The River of Consciousness will be a broader and more direct look at how the brain and mind work, as always, incorporating Sacks' rich historical and personal context.

  Advances in neuroscience have revolutionized our ability to visualize the brain in action. For the first time we are able to close the gap between the philosophical questions which have consumed the world's thinkers since the eighteenth century and the true physiological basis of perception and consciousness. In The River of Consciousness, Sacks will examine questions of memory, time, and consciousness. How do we think, how do we remember? Do different individuals have different speeds or ways of thinking? Is memory reliable? How do the neural correlates of memory differ for true memories and false memories? How do we construct our sense of time, our visual world? What is consciousness, neurologically speaking? And most importantly, what is creativity?

  Sacks completed the research for this book before he died, and with instructions on how it was to be put together. This is a remarkable culmination of a lifetime's research into the way the brain works.


  “Oliver Sacks knew how much his readers would miss him, and he outlined these ten essays before he left us. Indeed, blessed are we who mourn. His was a voice that could untangle even the most formidable knots of medical mystery—the bewildering maladies of the brain—and roll them out into smooth ribbons of human story. I read these essays in one night, spellbound as he described petals, cameras, bombs—and, of course, neurons—so enraptured with details that only later did I realize how he had also explained the weightiness of time, memory, and learning itself. The River of Consciousness is the precious voice of Oliver Sacks come back to us, to do what all great seers do: lead us to places that we could never have found on our own.” —Hope Jahren, author of Lab Girl

  “Reading a book published after its authors death, especially if he is as prodigiously alive on every page as Oliver Sacks, as curious, avid and thrillingly fluent, brings both the joy of hearing from him again, and the regret of knowing it will likely be the last time…[The] combination of wonder, passion and gratitude never seemed to flag in Sacks’s life; everything he wrote was lit with it. But it was his openness to new ideas and experiences, and his vision of change as the most human of biological processes, that synthesized all of his work.” —Nicole Krauss, The New York Times Book Review

  “Reveals Sacks as a gleeful polymath and an inveterate seeker of meaning in the mold of Darwin and his other scientific heroes Sigmund Freud and William James….As this volume reminds us, in losing Sacks we lost a gifted and generous storyteller.” —Wall Street Journal
  “The reader is in thrall to Sacks’ ability to braid wide reading, research and experience with his neurology patients to reach original and subtle conclusions….Sacks is the expression of…mental agility, a mind at play in the world.” —Chicago Tribune

  “Sacks’s intellectual trajectories are eloquent, witty and adherent to a sturdy internal logic. He troubles the frontiers of all creatures and things until the world feels more alive in its entirety. True to its title, the book is dictated by a flood of mental energy, thus it is more than mere sentimentality to say that, more than two years after his death, Sacks’s spirit still courses through us. Long may it flow.” —The Globe and Mail
  “Charming and informative….What really unifies “The River of Consciousness” is the unique combination of intellectual rigor and childlike amazement, of bookishness and warmth, which characterizes all of Sacks’s writing. Which other writer who employs footnotes so liberally also so often inspires laughter and tears?” —The Boston Globe

  “An immensely satisfying volume that can be read by newcomers as an introduction to the work of an author of unusual breadth of knowledge, and equally by aficionados as the final scintillation of one of the most invigorating and appealing writers of recent decades….A joy to read: a delicious supply of information and commentary organized by a gifted writer of a curious and humane intelligence.” —The Washington Times

  “The author’s unconventional points of view are potentially the most informative part of the work. He examines well-known ideas from lesser-known angles—for instance, that Darwin was also a botanist and supported his theory with botanical experimentation. Throughout, Sacks displays his marvelous skill with words, rich knowledge of medicine and science and their histories, observational skills, curiosity, and humor, and it’s impossible not to feel the loss of this amazing thinker….Every reader should be able to find something to enjoy and appreciate here.” —Library Journal *starred review*
  “Sacks engages and deepens our attention through the historic and personal particulars with which he argues his points about what, say, memory, or forgetting, or creativity, or ‘A General Feeling of Disorder,’ involves organismically. So doing, he has made permanent contributions to literature.” —Booklist
  “The book is a tribute to [Sacks’s] appreciation of all that’s beautifully complex in humans….Readers will feel a similar sense of gratitude for the extraordinary work that Sacks left behind.” —Publishers Weekly

  “Sacks’s enthusiasms are so finely and conversationally expressed as to be entirely seductive….Each essay contains a careful lifetime of observation and reading….A marvellous discrete series of meditations—and a profoundly moving one.” —The Observer
  “The essays share a few common themes, the most prominent being the seemingly instinctive drive to understand ourselves and the world around us. Science, Sacks suggests, traces its origins directly to that impulse—a curiosity that encourages us to lean in and observe something closely….It’s an infectious state of mind, and readers will likely look at the world around them differently after finishing The River of Consciousness.” —Richmond Times-Dispatch

  “Compelling….The experience of reading the essays that make up The River of Consciousness is very much like peering into an ever-changing stream. Pebbles shift as the water courses by, revealing unexpected facets below….By bringing these quirky, personal and curious essays together, Sacks invites readers into his mind where they can experience the world from his unusually insightful perspective.” —Science News Magazine
  “An incisive and generous inquiry into human nature.” —Elle.com
  “Sacks’s sharp intellect and observations, and passion for knowledge, shine through.” —Buzzfeed

  “Fans of the late neurologist have another chance to enjoy this erudite, compassionate storyteller, essayist, and memoirist in what may be his final work. This collection of 10 essays, some of which appeared previously in the New York Review of Books, was assembled by three colleagues from an outline provided by Sacks two weeks before his death in 2015….A collection of dissimilar pieces that reveal the scope of the author’s interests—sometimes challenging, always rewarding.” —Kirkus Reviews

  “Sacks once again enthralls readers with tantalizing true tales on everything from evolution and time to creativity and experience. Thoughtful and captivating, this collection will make you miss the iconic scholar even more than you already do.” —bustle.com, “11 New Essays For Your Fireside Reading This Fall”
  “Brilliant, beautiful, and funny….Sacks was one of the finest science writers--well read, scientifically exact and literary….This collection meets the standard of his previous work….Sacks's love of the natural world as well as the human one is contagious. The breadth of his interests encourages his readers to expand their own horizons….His curiosity and erudition, and his joy in both intellectual and physical life are in full bloom on these pages.” —Shelf Awareness
  “Sacks continues in this latest collection to focus on questions over answers; the result is a work that leaves plenty of room for possibility beyond what might be immediately observed…. Intellectually, Sacks is, at heart, a philosopher. But he is a philosopher looking not for answers but for increasingly grander questions. He asked a multitude of them throughout his 82 years, but ‘what is a mind?’ might be his biggest.” —New York Magazine



  • ISBN:9781447263661
  • 規格:平裝 / 256頁 / 21 x 14.8 x 1.5 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:英國




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