《The LEGO Book of Bedtime Builds》書中附有68塊樂高積木,可以拼出海盜船、恐龍、機器人、鸚鵡、城堡、大象、蜘蛛、太空飛行船等八種模型,拼出模型後,再跟著書中的人物一起進行一場睡前大冒險,駕著海盜船一起出發去尋寶,跟著大象一起在叢林裡唱歌……短篇英文故事激發孩子的想像力,每篇故事結尾列出3個親子可共同討論的小主題,絕對是孩子最愛的睡前活動!
Read, play, and dream an adventure
Looking for screen-free activities for your kids and more quality time together? This innovative LEGO® bedtime book includes eight adventures to build, play, and read, and it comes with LEGO bricks and instructions to make eight exclusive mini LEGO models. The LEGO® Book of Bedtime Builds is perfect for creative, screen-free wind-down time before bed.
Choose and build your LEGO model. Then read the story together and decide what happens next. When it’s time to sleep, the mini model and story will inspire exciting dreams. The next night, take apart the mini model and choose another adventure to build and read together. Convenient brick storage and packaging make for easy building at home or on the go. Includes easy-to-follow building instructions, bricks, and stories featuring a pirate ship, dinosaur, robot, bird, castle, elephant, spider, and spaceship.
©2019 The LEGO Group.