Which Country Has the World’’s Best Health Care?

Which Country Has the World’’s Best Health Care?

  • 作者: Emanuel, Ezekiel J.
  • 原文出版社:PublicAffairs
  • 出版日期:2020/06/16
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:1140
  • 優惠價:73832
  • 優惠期限:2025年04月09日止
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 分享

The preeminent doctor and bioethicist, Ezekiel Emanuel, gives an incisive tour of ten health care systems across the globe, including our own, in search of an answer to whose is best --- and how we can be more like them.
One thing we can all agree on: America does not have the world's best healthcare, at least not for all its citizens across 50 very different states. But which country does, and what can they teach us?

Author, physician, and bioethicist, Ezekiel Emanuel has examined the world's leading providers of healthcare .
Drawing from an analysis of the U.S. and ten other countries --- Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the UK. --- the results are in. No health care system is perfect, whether the problem is too many hospital beds in Germany or treating chronic illness in France, and some problems are shared across many countries, from truly addressing mental healthcare to containing the rising costs of chronic care.
But the lessons from the best healthcare practices allow us to adapt some of the good found in other countries and avoid making the same mistakes as others. Healthcare remains uniquely important to all Americans, and uniquely fraught: here is the best evidence from around the world of what excellence looks like and how we can deliver it here.



Ezekiel J. Emanuel is the Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, the Diane v.S. Levy and Robert M. Levy University Professor, and Chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress. Dr. Emanuel was the founding chair of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health and held that position until August of 2011. Until January 2011, he served as a Special Advisor on Health Policy to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and National Economic Council. He is a breast oncologist and author of several books, including Healthcare Guaranteed and Reinventing American Healthcare (both PublicAffairs).



  • ISBN:9781541797734
  • 規格:精裝 / 368頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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