Take Me to Museums: The Young Explorer’’s Guide to Every Museum in the World

Take Me to Museums: The Young Explorer’’s Guide to Every Museum in the World

  • 原文出版社:Agnes & Aubrey
  • 出版日期:2020/11/10
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:530
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 分享


  • 去美術館可以做什麼?走進畫作裡、跟跑出畫的人一起玩耍!


    身為一般觀眾,我們去美術館、博物館做什麼呢?對藏品沒興趣的,可以去吹冷氣或取暖,也可以遛小孩或散步;比較懂得藝術或是針對某些收藏品而來的,就有很多事做了。即使處於其中,既不是專家也不是沒興趣的,像我這樣充滿好奇的人,可以稱為中間觀眾,每一次參觀都得到許多知識和啟發。 經典好 more


"This gorgeous series makes a perfect gift for creative children."
--Frances Morris, Director, Tate Modern Museum

"Visits to museums and galleries are life enhancing at any age, and ’Take To Museums’ shows that it’s easy to start young!"
--Nancy Ireson, Deputy Director for Collections and Exhibitions and Gund Family Chief Curator of the Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia

With its stylish design, zingy illustrations and handy size to pop in a bag, Take Me To Museums is a must-have accompaniment to every museum or gallery visit. The book is divided into five ’adventure’ chapters. Every time children take a trip to a museum, a new adventure begins. On their journey around the gallery spaces they are encouraged to record their thoughts and draw what they see. Each chapter is unique - so on every visit they will discover something different. Packed with facts about museums all over the world, the book also includes a timeline of museum history and a glossary. To wrap it all up there’s a section for making notes and a page for comparing the five adventures.

Writer and illustrator Mary Richards is author of The Modern Art Journal (Tate Publishing), Splat: The Most Exciting Artists of All Time (Thames & Hudson) and co-author of ArtSongs, a set of songs about art and artists (with David Schweitzer) for Tate. Mary was Art Publisher at the Hayward Gallery and a Project Editor at Tate Publishing. She lives in London with four children, two cats and a large collection of Lego.



Writer and illustrator Mary Richards is author of The Modern Art Journal (Tate Publishing), Splat: The Most Exciting Artists of All Time (Thames & Hudson) and co-author of ArtSongs, a set of songs about art and artists (with David Schweitzer) for Tate. Mary was Art Publisher at the Hayward Gallery and a Project Editor at Tate Publishing. She lives in London with four children, two cats and a large collection of Lego.



  • ISBN:9781916474543
  • 規格:平裝 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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