繪本鬼才雍.卡拉森 大展冷調幽默
曾獲美國凱迪克大獎雙料殊榮的雍.卡拉森(Jon Klassen),繼驚豔世界的「帽子三部曲」之後,最新作品以長達 96 頁的篇幅,5個彼此關連的短篇故事,3隻戴著帽子的動物,再加點神祕生物和穿梭未來,角色間微妙而超有戲的互動,讓人期待的好戲就此上演。雍.卡拉森標誌性的獨特幽默感,張力十足的戲劇效果,讓你一秒都不想錯過。
作為故事上演的舞台背景,大面積的天空扮演著特別的角色,在插畫技法上,雍.卡拉森也特別向同為繪本創作者的好友席尼.史密斯(Sydney Smith)尋求建議。隨著劇情進展,光線變化下,雍.卡拉森為每個場景的天空,嵌入美麗而柔和的色彩。
Look up! From the Caldecott Medal–winning creator of the Hat Trilogy comes a new deadpan gem.
There is a spot.
It is a good spot.
It is the perfect spot to stand.
There is no reason to ever leave.
But somewhere above there is also a rock.
A rock from the sky.
Here comes The Rock from the Sky, a hilarious meditation on the workings of friendship, fate, shared futuristic visions, and that funny feeling you get that there’s something off somewhere, but you just can’t put your finger on it. Merging broad visual suspense with wry wit, celebrated picture book creator Jon Klassen gives us a wholly original comedy for the ages.