比爾.布萊森是當今最後讀者喜愛的非小說作家之一,寫作素材廣泛,旅遊、文化、語言、科學無所不寫。《哈!小不列顛Notes From a Small Island》被英國人們自己票選為最能道盡民族性的代表作,長達500頁的科普代表作《萬物簡史》則獲得英國艾凡提斯獎Aventis Prize和歐洲權威笛卡兒獎Descartes Prize。不過這些光輝獎項肯定並不足說明為什麼讀者這麼喜愛他的作品,讓知識變得平易近人,使閱讀變成欲罷不能,布萊森的幽默的寫作風格──得理不饒人的嘲諷功力絕對功不可沒!
《萬物簡史》陪我們仰望世界,探索宇宙以及與之相關的各種科學。新作《The Body》帶我們向內看,了解大自然最不凡的奇怪東西──沒錯,就是我們!
認識你我身體奇妙的的生理與神經構造,讓我們對自己的身體有更深層的認識,不再視上天的餽贈於理所當然。《The Body》是給所有皮囊之下的住客─每一個你我─一趟驚豔的身體導覽之旅,也是布萊森再創新高度的精采之作!(文/博客來編譯)
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - A must-read owner’s manual for every body. Take a head-to-toe tour of the marvel that is the human body in this "delightful, anecdote-propelled read" (The Boston Globe) from the author of A Short History of Nearly Everything. With a new Afterword.
"You will marvel at the brilliance and vast weirdness of your design." --The Washington Post
Bill Bryson once again proves himself to be an incomparable companion as he guides us through the human body--how it functions, its remarkable ability to heal itself, and (unfortunately) the ways it can fail. Full of extraordinary facts (your body made a million red blood cells since you started reading this) and irresistible Brysonesque anecdotes, The Body will lead you to a deeper understanding of the miracle that is life in general and you in particular.
As Bill Bryson writes, "We pass our existence within this wobble of flesh and yet take it almost entirely for granted." The Body will cure that indifference with generous doses of wondrous, compulsively readable facts and information. As addictive as it is comprehensive, this is Bryson at his very best.