美國資深記者麥可.沃爾夫,在其掀起空前政治風暴的《Fire and Fury》中,定義了川普的執政初期,續作《Siege》則深入描繪深陷困境的執政團隊,而他的最新著作──川普三部曲最終章《Landslide》,以川普四年任期的尾聲,以及他執政最後一個月的動盪與混亂作結,透過豐富的資料、與川普及其幕僚的接觸,沃爾夫在本書中針對實際上在橢圓形辦公室所發生之事,揭露全新訊息與見解。(文/博客來編譯)
New York Times bestselling author of Fire and Fury and Siege completes the trilogy on the epic presidency of Donald J. Trump
With Fire and Fury Wolff defined the first phase of the Trump administration; in Siege he wrote an explosive account of a presidency under fire. In Landslide Wolff closes the story of Trump’s four years in office and his tumultuous last months at the helm of the country, based on Wolff’s extraordinary access to White House aides and to the former president himself, yielding a wealth of new information and insights about what really happened inside the highest office in the land, and the world.