英國知名童書作家Benji Davies創作的Bizzy Bear遊戲書系主題多元,以一隻忙碌的人氣小熊Bizzy Bear為主角,運用朗朗上口、押韻的短句,加上書頁上可以推、拉或轉動的互動機關,讓小讀者開心地伸出小手熱情參與,嬉遊英文世界,認識各式生活主題。
忙碌小熊Bizzy Bear今天和好朋友一塊兒到主題樂園玩,咖啡杯、海盜船、摩天輪,還有驚險刺激的遊樂設施,每一樣都想嘗試看看。開心的時間總是過得特別地快,該和朋友們說再見囉,下次再和Bizzy Bear一起出遊吧!
Five easy-to-use sliders, a rhyming story and lots to spot and say in this series of bright, interactive board books for toddlers! An engaging little story with loads of details to spot and chat about. This story needs YOU! By pushing, pulling and turning the mechanisms, little hands can move the story onto the next scene and bring the rhyming text to life! The high level of interaction builds confidence and engagement with books, which is a key stepping-stone to reading for toddlers. Illustrated by multi-award-winning Benji Davies, illustrator of The Storm Whale, and Grandad's Island Collect the whole series; other title available include: Bizzy Bear: Farmyard Fun, Bizzy Bear: Fire Rescue, Bizzy Bear: Breakdown Truck and lots, lots more!