Big Steps硬頁操作遊戲書,
The Big Steps書系特色:
「正確洗手」是預防疾病的重要關鍵,新聞報導中的病毒好可怕呦,感冒生病時,喉嚨痛、發燒流鼻水,也會讓我感覺好不舒服…有時玩一玩,我會發現自己的手變得黑黑、髒髒、或黏黏的,爸爸媽媽和老師也說,生活環境中有許多看不見的細菌、病毒,所以要洗手。我有洗手啊,可是有時候還是被說洗太快了,讓我覺得好麻煩、不開心,到底要洗多久?明明不久前才洗過手了,為什麼現在又要洗手?讓我們跟著Let’s Wash Our Hands一起建立正確觀念吧!紙上模擬不同的情境,一邊操作書中的互動機關,練習好好搓搓肥皂泡泡,勤洗手。
Big Steps陪伴家長與幼兒,養成正確洗手的好習慣,細菌病毒遠離我!
The Big Steps series is designed to help little ones cope with everyday experiences in their lives. In Let's Wash Our Hands, meet two adorable toddlers who learn all about washing their hands and bath time!
Follow the ups and downs of their journey, brought to life with fun flaps and mechanisms. Each page has really helpful tips for parents and carers that are endorsed by The Good Toy Guide and leading Early Years Consultant, Dr Amanda Gummer. With delightful illustrations from Marie Kyprianou, Let's Wash Our Hands is a brilliant way to introduce cleanliness in a fun and relatable way.
The Big Steps series has been endorsed and recommended by Dr Amanda Gummer's Good Toy Guide.