Dr. Jan Claas Behrends studied history, literature, and philosophy at the Free and Humboldt Universities of Berlin, at the University of Wisconsin, as well as Moscow State University. He was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the University of Chicago in 2007. Currently, he is Senior Research Fellow at the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History (ZZF) in Potsdam and teaches East European history at the European Viadrina University in Frankfurt/Oder. Among other books, he has authored Die erfundene Freundschaft (Böhlau 2006) and edited The Return to War and Violence (Routledge 2018).
Prof. Pavel Kolář studied European history at Charles University in Prague where he received his PhD in 2003. In 2010-2018, he was Professor of Comparative European History at the European University Institute in Florence. Since 2018, he is Professor of East European History at the University of Constance in Germany. He is the author of, among other books,
Geschichtswissenschaft in Zentraleuropa (Akademische Verlagsanstalt 2008) and
Der Poststalinismus (Böhlau 2016) as well as co-editor of
Historische Nationsforschung im geteilten Europa 1945-1989 (SH-Verlag 2012).
Prof. Thomas Lindenberger studied history, philosophy, and economics in Berlin, where he received his PhD at the Technical University in 1992. He completed his
Habilitation at the University of Potsdam in 2002. Since 2017, he is Director of the Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies and Professor of History at the Technical University of Dresden. Among other books, he has authored
Straßenpolitik (Dietz 1995) and
Volkspolizei (Böhlau 2003) as well as edited
Herrschaft und Eigen-Sinn in der Diktatur (Böhlau 1999) and
Massenmedien im Kalten Krieg (Böhlau 2006).