★ 現代孩子必修的第一堂媒體素養課
★ 加拿大總督文學獎得主新作,開啟獨立思考與對話
★ 有趣幽默漫畫,引導孩子分辨假新聞、不實訊息和陰謀論
在假新聞與錯誤訊息無所不在的網路時代,無論是兒童還是大人,都很難分辨這些訊息的真偽。這本《Killer Underwear Invasion!》藉由可愛的插圖、輕鬆搞笑的文字,幫助8歲以上孩子培養批判思維能力,在面對令人感到疑惑的新聞時,學會檢視消息來源,辨別事實與意見的差異。
作者Elise Gravel曾撰寫及繪製30多本著作,並被翻譯成十多種語言。她擅長以充滿趣味的圖文,討論世界上重要的議題,諸如性別、身體自主、情緒管理、難民、多元文化等。她的作品曾榮獲加拿大總督文學獎。
A hilarious and timely tool to help kids learn how to tell what news is true and what isn’t.
Can peanuts give you super strength? Were unicorns discovered on the moon? Did Martians really invade New Jersey? For anyone who has ever encountered outrageous stories like these and wondered whether they were true, this funny, yet informative book breaks down what fake news is, why people spread it, and how to tell what is true and what isn’t. With quirky illustrations and a humorous tone, Elise Gravel brings her kid-accessible wit to the increasingly important subject of media literacy and equips younger readers with the skills needed to interact with global news. SERIOUSLY FUNNY: While the topic is serious, the funny text and wacky pictures will tickle any reader’s funny bone. IMPORTANT: Misinformation and disinformation are everywhere. It is increasingly important that parents and educators help kids learn how to navigate the confusing, modern media landscape. JUST THE FACTS!: Rather than tackle specific news stories, this book teaches kids how to research and judge information in order to make their own decisions about what to believe. BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR: Whether deciding what products to buy, which organizations to support and what scientific information to believe, being a smart media consumer helps keep ourselves and our communities safer. Perfect for:- Grandparents
- Parents
- Educators
- Librarians