
As Night Falls: Creatures That Go Wild After Dark

As Night Falls: Creatures That Go Wild After Dark

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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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  • 【主題繪本控】走訪創作者立足繪本界前的插旗聖地──紐約插畫家協會(SI)


      插畫家協會是紐約上城一處以插畫家為主的活動基地,創建於1901年,是美國插畫家們所設立的最古老的非營利機構。但凡說得出名號的插畫家都曾經是這裡的會員,後來也加入繪本家和漫畫家。1981年,基地轉型為全年有展覽的美術館,並成立教育課程與年度競賽,獎項分為學生組和專業組。這裡後來併 more


A NEW YORK TIMES/NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY BEST ILLUSTRATED CHILDREN’S BOOK - This picture book is for the littlest nature aficionado. Bursting with vibrant illustrations, it offers an inviting look into the secret world of how nature goes BERSERK at night!

As night falls. The earth cools. Waters calm. Winds hush...
But outside, night time is action time for some.
Silly action. Hungry action. Wild action.

From microscopic organisms to giant cats, it’s surprising who you’ll find awake in the middle of the night! Dinoflagellates guzzle floating bacteria, bumblebee bats loop and swoop, racer snakes slither, weasels sneak and circle, and spot-bellied eagle owls leap and sweep. One by one, the animals of the food chain find their next scrumptious treat.

For children whose curiosity abounds, and restless sleepers greedy for one more story or one more goodnight kiss, this distinctive picture book with a science focus gives a peek at the animals that come alive at night. The striking words of Donna Jo Napoli join the electric and wild illustrations of acclaimed artist Felicita Sala to make this the perfect picture book to help young readers get out all their wiggles and giggles before bed.



Donna Jo Napoli is both a linguist and a writer of children’s and young adult fiction. Her most recent work is the picture book Words to Make a Friend, and some of her stories for young adults include Stones in Water, Treasury of Greek Mythology, Treasury of Norse Mythology, and Daughter of Venice. She has five children and eight grandchildren. She dreams of moving to the woods and becoming a naturalist. She loves to garden, bake bread, dance, and make pottery.

Felicita Sala is a self-taught illustrator. She has created pictures for several books, among them Be a Tree! by Maria Gianferrari, Joan Procter, Dragon Doctor by Patricia Valdez, and She Made a Monster by Lynn Fulton, which was selected among the best illustrated books by the New York Times. In 2020, she was awarded the Premio Andersen as the best illustrator in Italy. She grew up in Australia, next to the ocean, and now lives in Rome, Italy, with her family. She loves insect documentaries and drawing animals, especially made up ones.



  • ISBN:9780593374290
  • 規格:精裝 / 40頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國
  • 適讀年齡:4歲~8歲




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  • 國際書展
  • 爸媽英文分級班
  • 2024