曾獲國際安徒生大獎的繪本大師安東尼布朗(Anthony Browne)改編知名童謠The Animal Fair為有趣的機關立體書。拉一拉,旋轉木馬變身囉!轉一轉,看看鬼屋裡藏著那些鬼怪?安東尼布朗以招牌的超現實手法,將各種有趣的驚喜藏在機關中,等待讀者一一探索!
A lively and interactive pop-up nursery rhyme from Kate Greenaway Medal-winner and former Children's Laureate Anthony Browne.
This pop-up interpretation of the well-loved playground rhyme is a fantastical extravaganza of illusion and surreal humour. See the crazy carousel in motion! Turn the wheel to discover the secrets of the haunted house! Look out for an elephantine sneeze! Full of Anthony's Browne's trademark surrealism and captivating detail, with the added thrill of ingenious tabs, flaps and wheels, you'll be amazed and excited, amused and delighted by the Animal Fair!
Browne, as ever, is a powerhouse of atmosphere. ― The Independent
absorbing illustrations and a variety of movements...puts this on a par with the mood and spirit of a real fairground ― . Book Trusted Magazine