David Walliams 大衛.威廉《全世界最糟糕的家長/老師/寵物》全彩幽默兒童小說套書(3冊)

David Walliams 大衛.威廉《全世界最糟糕的家長/老師/寵物》全彩幽默兒童小說套書(3冊)

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      ★ 英國百萬暢銷作家
      ★ 享有「最會說故事的人——羅德.達爾」接班人美譽
      ★ 創作被翻譯成40多國語言,全球暢銷400多萬本!

    ⌾ 爆笑故事搭配全彩插圖,結合貼近孩子生活的主題,爆笑精采的故事,勾起孩子對閱讀的興趣,適合從橋樑書逐步進階到小說入門的孩子閱讀
    1. The World’s Worst Teachers
      不是只有小孩才難搞,在大人的世界裡怪人更多!原來,這個地球上最可怕的大人居然就藏身在教室裡?!有半人半獸的邪惡科學老師Dr. Dread,還要小心恐怖的Seethe小姐,她總是處在憤怒狀態,還有超級與眾不同的Pent老師……準備好迎接這十位史上最令人發毛的老師了嗎?如果你的老師是個惡夢,那麼或許你會在這裡發現他們!你覺得學校是個很殘忍的地方嗎?這本書告訴你,真的是這樣!
    2. The World’s Worst Parents
      原來,世界上最古怪的人就藏在你家裡?!當你遇到Peter Pong,千萬記得要捏緊鼻子,因為他是世界上腳丫最臭的老爸!碰到Harriet Hurry時要趕快閃開,因為她是一個騎車橫衝直撞的老媽!噢,差點忘記提醒你小心Monty Monopolize,這個把孩子玩具全部帶走的瘋狂老爸,還有一個超人媽媽,她居然靠揮舞著馬桶刷和拖把,拯救了世界!
    3. The World’s Worst Pets
      警告!內有凶猛動物……10個史上最糟糕寵物的瘋狂故事:魔術師的兔子 Houdini、愛在世界趴趴走的超音速烏龜 Zoom、藏著大秘密的灰熊 Griselda、巨無霸金魚……全都不是省油的燈,製造的混亂場景會讓你倒吸一口氣,大喊:「快逃!」還有其他包羅萬象寵物:好寵物,壞寵物,超級惡霸寵物,像房子一樣大的寵物、能一口吃掉你的寵物……最搞笑和最生猛的寵物,等著大膽的你來發掘!
    1. The World’s Worst Teachers
    Millions of young readers have loved the World’s Worst Children tales – now they will revel in this delightfully dreadful collection of the most gruesome grown-ups ever: The World’s Worst Teachers. From the phenomenally bestselling David Walliams and illustrated in glorious colour by the artistic genius, Tony Ross.
    Think your teachers are bad? Wait till you meet this lot. These ten tales of the world’s most splendidly sinister teachers will have you running for the school gates. Dr Dread teaches science and is half man, half monster… Watch out for the ghastly Miss Seethe. She is ALWAYS furious – and she’s on a detention rampage. And as for Mr Phobe, he’s a teacher with a real difference. He is bone-shakingly terrified of… children!
    Millions of children have loved the World’s Worst Children – now they will revel in this delightfully dreadful collection of the most gruesome grown-ups ever, The World’s Worst Teachers. Brought to you by number one bestselling author, David Walliams, with every story illustrated in glorious colour by artistic genius, Tony Ross.
    2. The World’s Worst Parents
    Are you ready to meet the worst parents ever?
    Sure, some parents are embarrassing – but they’re NOTHING on this lot. These ten tales of the world’s most spectacularly silly mums and deliriously daft dads will leave you rocking with laughter.
    Pinch your nose for Peter Pong, the man with the stinkiest feet in the world… jump out of the way of Harriet Hurry, the fastest mum on two wheels… watch out for Monty Monopolize, the dad who takes all his kids’ toys… and oh no, it’s Supermum! Brandishing a toilet brush, a mop and a very bad homemade outfit…
    3. The World’s Worst Pets
    Millions of readers have loved The World’s Worst Children, The World’s Worst Teachers and The World’s Worst Parents – now they will delight in this ludicrously laugh-out-loud collection of pets, brought to you by the phenomenal Number One bestselling author David Walliams, with every story illustrated in vibrant colour by Adam Stower.
    These ten tales of the world’s craziest creatures will have you shaking with laughter. You’ll never look at pets in the same way again!
    Marvel at Houdini, the magician’s rabbit. Take a trip around the world with Zoom, the supersonic tortoise. Gasp at the chaos created by Griselda, a grizzly bear with a big secret. And RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! It’s Furp, the monstrous goldfish!
    Good pets, bad pets, supervillain pets, pets as big as a house and pets that could eat you in one gulp – these are the most hilarious and horrendous animals around.


    David Walliams continues to take the literary world by storm. His tenth novel, BAD DAD, was an immediate number one, following the triumph of THE MIDNIGHT GANG, the biggest-selling children’s book of 2016. THE WORLD’S WORST CHILDREN 2, spent four weeks at industry number one.

    David’s books have now exceeded 100 non-consecutive weeks at children’s number one, and have been translated into 53 languages, selling more than 35 million copies worldwide.

    Adam Stower is an author and illustrator, who has collaborated with David Walliams on several of his books for children.




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