大衛.威廉(David Walliams)作品
你準備好要認識全世界最糟糕的小孩了嗎?The World’s Worst Children系列第二彈來啦!快來見識一下超級貪吃的Humbert、擁有令人難忘歌聲的的Stacey、熱愛噁心東西的Griselda……全書共分為十個章節,收錄十個最糟糕小孩的故事,你以為第一集的十個主角已經夠糟糕、夠瘋狂?嘿,那這本書即將帶給你更衝擊的驚嚇,糟糕無極限,這些小孩到底有多粗魯多噁心?說出來保證你嚇死!
爆笑故事搭配英國著名插畫家東尼.羅斯(Tony Ross)的插圖,透過貼近孩子生活的主題,勾起孩子對閱讀的興趣,適合從橋樑書逐步進階到小說入門的孩子閱讀。
The brilliant follow-up to the bestselling The World’s Worst Children! Ten more stories about hilariously horrible kids!
Do you dare to meet the worst children in the world? Be warned! Inside are five ghastly girls and five badder-than-bad boys!
Like Humbert the hungry baby, who literally eats his parents out of house and home. And Gruesome Griselda who likes to play tricks on everyone with her vast collection of creepy-crawlies.
From number one bestselling author David Walliams come ten more wonderfully wicked tales, illustrated throughout by artistic genius Tony Ross.