紐約大學商學院教授,蓋洛威(Scott Galloway),是一位連續創業家,和《疫後大未來》等暢銷書的作者,他秉持坦率、毫無虛飾的風格,與讀者分享提升財富遊戲勝率的秘訣。在本書中,蓋洛威提出了一套能提升個人財務安全的簡單的公式。讀者將學到:
l 每個人在職涯發展初期做出的選擇,對成功機會所產生的複利效應。
l 找出自己擅長的事:選擇職業時,應該要跟隨你的天賦,而不是你的熱情。
l 關注時代的潮流:跟上浪潮,乘風破浪,以獲取最高的經濟效益。
l 建立多樣化的優勢:一步步達成小目標,累積成巨大的回報。
l 養成良好的財務習慣:克制消費,量入為出,才能累積財富。
A must-have guide to optimizing your life for wealth and success, from bestselling author, NYU professor, and cohost of the Pivot podcast Scott Galloway.Today’s workers have more opportunities and mobility than any generation before. They also face unprecedented challenges, including inflation, labor and housing shortages, and climate volatility. Even the notion of retirement is undergoing a profound rethink, as our lifespans extend and our relationship with work evolves. In this environment, the tried-and-true financial advice our parents followed is no longer enough. It’s time for a new playbook. In The Algebra of Wealth, Scott Galloway lays bare the rules of financial success in today’s economy. In his characteristic unvarnished, no-BS style, he explains what you need to know in order to better your chances for economic security no matter what. You’ll learn:- How to find and follow your talent, not your passion, when making career decisions
- How to ride and optimize big economic waves (hard truth: market dynamics always trump individual achievement)
- What small steps you can take that pay big returns later, including diversification and tax planning
- How stoicism can help you minimize spending and develop better financial habits
Brimming with wise, game-changing advice from one of the world’s most popular business school professors, The Algebra of Wealth offers a powerful framework for making the most of what opportunities come your way.