Supremacy: Ai, Chatgpt, and the Race That Will Change the World

Supremacy: Ai, Chatgpt, and the Race That Will Change the World

  • 作者: Olson, Parmy
  • 原文出版社:St. Martin’s Press
  • 出版日期:2024/09/10
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:1140
  • 優惠價:799
  • 優惠期限:2024年09月30日止
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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彭博資深科技記者帕米‧奧森,在這本新書中,詳述人工智能兩大推手──OpenAI的CEO山姆·奧特曼(Sam Altman)與DeepMind的CEO德米斯·哈薩比斯(Demis Hassabis)──互爭高下的精采故事。毫不保留地指出在利益的驅動下,崇高的理想如何演變成商業導向的經營策略,以及當人工智慧在金錢和權力的利誘下,快速擴展至商業、教育、媒體等面向,將造成什麼影響人類未來的隱憂,是AI跨時代革命下,不可或缺的紀錄。



        如今,彭博資深科技記者帕米‧奧森,在這本新書中,詳述人工智能兩大推手──OpenAI的CEO山姆·奧特曼(Sam Altman)與DeepMind的CEO德米斯·哈薩比斯(Demis Hassabis)──互爭高下的精采故事。毫不保留地指出在利益的驅動下,崇高的理想如何演變成商業導向的經營策略,以及當人工智慧在金錢和權力的利誘下,快速擴展至商業、教育、媒體等面向,將造成什麼影響人類未來的隱憂,是AI跨時代革命下,不可或缺的紀錄。(文/博客來編譯)

Longlisted for the 2024 Financial Times & Schroders Business Book of the Year

In November of 2022, a webpage was posted online with a simple text box. It was an AI chatbot called ChatGPT, and was unlike any app people had used before. It was more human than a customer service agent, more convenient than a Google search. Behind the scenes, battles for control and prestige between the world’s two leading AI firms, OpenAI and DeepMind, who now steers Google’s AI efforts, has remained elusive - until now.

In Supremacy, Olson, tech writer at Bloomberg, tells the astonishing story of the battle between these two AI firms, their struggles to use their tech for good, and the hazardous direction they could go as they serve two tech Goliaths whose power is unprecedented in history. The story focuses on the continuing rivalry of two key CEOs at the center of it all, who cultivated a religion around their mission to build god-like super intelligent machines: Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, and Demis Hassabis, the CEO of DeepMind.

sharply alerts readers to the real threat of artificial intelligence that its top creators are ignoring: the profit-driven spread of flawed and biased technology into industries, education, media and more. With exclusive access to a network of high-ranking sources, Parmy Olson uses her 13 years of experience covering technology to bring to light the exploitation of the greatest invention in human history, and how it will impact us all.



Parmy Olson is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering technology regulation, artificial intelligence, and social media. A former reporter for the Wall Street Journal and Forbes, she is the author of We Are Anonymous and a recipient of the Palo Alto Networks Cyber Security Cannon Award. Olson has been writing about artificial intelligence systems and the money behind them for seven years. Her reporting on Facebook’s $19 billion acquisition of WhatsApp and the subsequent fallout resulted in two Forbes cover stories and two honourable mentions in the SABEW business journalism awards. At the Wall Street Journal she investigated companies that exaggerated their AI capabilities and was the first to report on a secret effort at Google’s top AI lab to spin out from the company in order to control the artificial super intelligence it created.



  • ISBN:9781250337740
  • 規格:精裝 / 288頁 / 20.96 x 13.67 x 2.54 cm / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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