Minecraft《當個創世神》立體書 Official Minecraft Pop- Up

Minecraft《當個創世神》立體書 Official Minecraft Pop- Up

  • 定價:2200
  • 優惠價:999
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 分享


        世界知名的立體書大師馬修.萊茵哈特(Matthew Reinhart),把史上最熱門的線上電子遊戲Minecraft,轉化為玩家們在真實生活中渴望擁有的紙本收藏!
      翻開2024年最新出版的《Minecraft官方授權立體書》(Official Minecraft Pop- Up),一躍而出的立體場景令人讚嘆。五個氣勢磅礡的跨頁立體場景,重現麥塊方塊世界中的殭屍、怪物、地下城和洞穴……等經典角色與場景。展開雙翼、充滿氣勢的終界龍,更是粉絲們力推的最愛!在立體書的三度空間裡,忠實玩家們將面對熟悉的敵人、尋找喜愛的生物,以嶄新的方式探索Minecraft世界,體驗截然不同的遊逛樂趣。

  Discover a whole new dimension of Minecraft with Minecraft: The Official Pop-Up, an interactive book that takes you on an eye-catching journey as you craft, gather and explore!

  Dive into the open world of Minecraft in this intricate, interactive pop-up book! Featuring five lively ‘pops,’ each new page brings delight as you take on creepers, zombies, and Endermen. Never-before-seen, original illustrations give new depth to your favourite biomes, caves and dungeons.

  From surviving the first night to building a unique base, Minecraft: The Official Pop-Up is the ultimate celebration of every player’s unique experience. This deluxe pop-up book is the ideal collector’s item for Minecraft fans of all ages as they experience their favourite mobs in new ways.

  FIVE INTERACTIVE POPS: With each turn of the page, you explore new biomes and confront familiar foes in vibrant, detailed “pops” full of surprises to discover

  FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY: With stunningly detailed pop-up scenes and hidden surprises to discover, this pop-up book is sure to delight Minecraft fans of any age or skill level

  BEAUTIFUL NEW ILLUSTRATIONS: Featuring gorgeous original artwork, this pop-up book captures the extensive world of Minecraft in a fresh, new way

  PLAY AND DISPLAY: Minecraft: The Official Pop-Up is ideal for displaying on a bookshelf or using as a companion while playing the game itself

  FAN-FAVORITE MOBS AND CHARACTERS: Explore the engrossing world of Minecraft as



  Mojang is a games studio based in Stockholm, Sweden. Mojang was founded in 2009 by Markus “Notch” Persson and Jakob Porser. Markus Persson is also the creator of Mojang’s best-selling game to date: Minecraft.

  The alpha version of Minecraft was launched in 2009, and the official game went on sale in 2011. Since then over 200 million copies have been sold, across multiple platforms. It is now the second best-selling video game of all time.



  • ISBN:9780008626495
  • 規格:精裝 / 23.5 x 23.5 x 0.36 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:英國
  • 適讀年齡:6歲~11歲




  • 穿越保守主義迷霧,直擊政治譜系變遷。社會議題│哲學思想│歷史進程精選滿799元現折79。









  • 羅曼史
  • Moomin
  • 國際書展