鼻涕、大小便、臭屁都從哪裡來?漫畫式圖解,來場有趣的人體之旅!Along Came a... Burp

鼻涕、大小便、臭屁都從哪裡來?漫畫式圖解,來場有趣的人體之旅!Along Came a... Burp

  • 作者: Saskia Gwinn
  • 原文出版社:Templar Publishing
  • 出版日期:2024/07/04
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:549
  • 優惠價:299
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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Snot, wees, farts, feelings... they all come from somewhere, and that's YOU! But what starts a wee? Where do burps go after they've escaped? And why is a sneeze SO loud?

  Along Came a... Burp answers all these questions about the HUMAN BODY and more, in hilarious comic-book style. Featuring a host of colourful characters - from stinky poos to speedy sneezes - each with their own mini story to tell about exactly how they came along. This book is perfect for young readers who love storybooks, but have LOTS of questions to answer.

  Written by rising-star Saskia Gwinn (author of Scientists are Saving the World and I am Not the Easter Bunny), and illustrated in rib-tickling style by Paula Bowles (illustrator of Superkitty, Tiny Crab is a Tidy Crab and 2024 World Book Day title Marv and the Ultimate Superpower), this is the first in a new series of laugh-out-loud science stories the whole family can enjoy.

  Coming in 2025: Along Came a... Rainbow!



Saskia Gwinn has spent nearly 20 years carefully crafting beautiful bestselling and award-winning books to inspire kids of all ages. She has worked as Head of Children's Non-fiction for Bloomsbury Publishing, as Editorial Director for Hachette Children's Group, and as Editorial Director for A&C Black. Saskia lives in Hertfordshire with her two boys who hope dinosaurs will one day revisit Earth. Until that happens, she tells them that everything on the planet has an equally exciting story to tell.

Saskia's first non-fiction book, Scientists are Saving the World was the Bookseller's Association Indie Book of the Month, July 2022, selected for The Summer Reading Challenge, Fiction, Suffolk Libraries, Summer 2022 and longlisted for the SLA Information Book Award 2023.

Paula Bowles has worked as an illustrator since she graduated from Falmouth University in 2007, and recently relocated from Bristol to Weston-super-Mare.

Paula's latest solo author/illustrator book, Tiny Crab is a Tidy Crab published in 2022, won the Portsmouth Picture Book Award 2023, and she also won the Lancashire School Library Service 'Brilliant book Award 2023' for her young fiction book Marv and the Mega Robot written by Alex Falase-Koya. Marv and the Ultimate Superpower was a World Book Day book in 2024. She has been shortlisted for many more awards, including the Indie Book Awards 2023 and The Alligators Mouth Award 2023. She is also the illustrator of the new 'Mazy the Movie Star' picture book series written by Hollywood star Isla Fisher.



  • ISBN:9781800785175
  • 規格:平裝 / 48頁 / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:英國
  • 適讀年齡:5歲~7歲




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