當代最具影響力的商業領袖與慈善家——比爾‧蓋茲(Bill Gates),首度透過文字親自講述成長與奮鬥的起源,分享個人童年、求學到創業的故事。這部引人入勝的自傳,溫暖、真誠、充滿智慧。
比爾‧蓋茲二十多歲後的成就一直受到矚目,但他的早年生活卻鮮為人知。近年來,他經常在訪談中被問到,有沒有什麼成長經驗是可以進一步和大眾分享的,這促使他寫下《原始碼》(Source Code)這本個人回憶錄,專注在講述他獲得巨大程就之前的成長歷程。閱讀他的童年、初始的熱情,決定離開大學與保羅·艾倫(Paul Allen)共同創辦微軟,投注在一個尚不存在的產業的歷程,讀者得以從中了解今日的比爾‧蓋茲。他在書中坦率地分享早年遭遇的艱難時刻,包括童年階段時常感到格格不入、青少年時期的反叛以及與父母的爭執、突然失去摯友的打擊,以及差點被大學開除的插曲……
The origin story of one of the most influential and transformative business leaders and philanthropists of the modern age
The business triumphs of Bill Gates are widely known: the twenty-year-old who dropped out of Harvard to start a software company that became an industry giant and changed the way the world works and lives; the billionaire many times over who turned his attention to philanthropic pursuits to address climate change, global health, and U.S. education.
Source Code is not about Microsoft or the Gates Foundation or the future of technology. It’s the human, personal story of how Bill Gates became who he is today: his childhood, his early passions and pursuits. It’s the story of his principled grandmother and ambitious parents, his first deep friendships and the sudden death of his best friend; of his struggles to fit in and his discovery of a world of coding and computers in the dawn of a new era; of embarking in his early teens on a path that took him from midnight escapades at a nearby computer center to his college dorm room, where he sparked a revolution that would change the world.
Bill Gates tells this, his own story, for the first time: wise, warm, revealing, it’s a fascinating portrait of an American life.