《歐亞世紀:熱戰、冷戰,當代世界的形成》(The Eurasian Century)獲外交政策雜誌評選為2025年高度期待的年度重磅之作。本書作者白蘭斯(Hal Brands)為華府最知名的外交及戰略國際研究學院——約翰霍普金斯高等國際研究學院特聘教授、美國企業研究所智庫學者,曾擔任美國國防部長的戰略規劃特別助理、美國國家防務戰略委員會首席撰稿人,長期投入分析國家戰略與世界秩序。
We often think of the modern era as the age of American power. In reality, we’re living in a long, violent Eurasian century. That giant, resource-rich landmass possesses the bulk of the global population, industrial might, and potential military power; it touches all four of the great oceans. Eurasia is a strategic prize without equal--which is why the world has been roiled, reshaped, and nearly destroyed by clashes over the supercontinent.
Since the early twentieth century, autocratic powers--from Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm II to the Soviet Union--have aspired for dominance by seizing commanding positions in the world’s strategic heartland. Offshore sea powers, namely the United Kingdom and America, have sought to make the world safe for democracy by keeping Eurasia in balance. America’s rivalries with China, Russia, and Iran are the next round in this geopolitical game. If this new authoritarian axis succeeds in enacting a radically revised international order, America and other democracies will be vulnerable and insecure.
Hal Brands, a renowned expert on global affairs, argues that a better understanding of Eurasia’s strategic geography can illuminate the contours of rivalry and conflict in today’s world. The Eurasian Century explains how revolutions in technology and warfare, and the rise of toxic ideologies of conquest, made Eurasia the center of twentieth-century geopolitics--with pressing implications for the struggles that will define the twenty-first.