《動物園的便便清掃員》爆笑繪本5冊套書 Poo in the Zoo Set

《動物園的便便清掃員》爆笑繪本5冊套書 Poo in the Zoo Set

  • 作者: Steve Smallman
  • 原文出版社:Little Tiger Ltd
  • 出版日期:2024/07/26
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:2197
  • 優惠價:399
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 分享


1. Poo in the Zoo《動物園裡的便便清掃員》
  鮑伯是動物園管理員,他很喜觀照顧動物,可是他的工作不是都那麼好玩,因為動物園每天都有超多便便,而清掃便便也是他的任務。不只有老虎便便、獅子便便、袋鼠便便、袋熊便便,還有從天而降的蝙蝠便便,以及喜歡把便便拿來丟來丟去的猴子的便便。有一天,鮑伯突然發現一坨會發光的便便,這難道是從外太空來的宇宙便便嗎?很快地,大家都聽說這件事,爭相來動物園看這坨神奇便便,甚至吸引了專門收藏奇特便便的便便收藏家Hector Gloop!
2. Poo in the Zoo: The Great Poo Mystery《離奇的便便疑案》
  動物園裡的工作超忙,但鮑伯喜歡他的工作,而且他還有個好幫手,會幫忙掃便便的機器人。可是有一天機器人卻突然不見,動物園堆滿便便,鮑伯該怎麼辦?這時,有 一位便便調查專家剛好出現,這種事交給專業的就對啦!她曾經找回消失已久的加薩滿都怪獸便便,也曾經破解知名的幽靈亂扔便便懸疑案。便便調查專家能幫鮑伯找回機器人嗎?
3. Poo in the Zoo: The Island of Dinosaur Poo《恐龍便便之島》
  便便收藏家Hector Gloop一直很想收藏一種便便,但這種便便特別難入手。鮑伯和她的動物夥伴能幫助Hector Gloop取得這種特殊的恐龍便便嗎?還是會變成恐龍的晚餐呢?
4. Poo in the Zoo: Merry Poop-Mas! 《聖誕便便快樂!》
  今天是聖誕夜,鮑伯有好多事情要做,可偏偏這天寒地凍的天氣讓便便都結凍了……大家都很期待地等著聖誕老人,便便收藏家Hector Gloop也期待著能收集到一些飛天馴鹿的便便。當聖誕老人終於現身,其中一隻馴鹿卻生病沒辦法拉雪橇,讓聖誕老人也受困沒辦法飛行。動物園裡有誰能幫聖誕老人解決這個難題嗎?
5. Poo in the Zoo: The Super Pooper Road Race《超級便便賽車大賽!》

1. Poo in the Zoo
  “There was tiger poo, lion poo, prickly porcupine poo,
  Plummeting giraffe poop that landed with a splat.
  Dollops of gnu poo, bouncy kangaroo poo,
  A trail of drippy droppings from a fat wombat!”
  Zoo Keeper Bob is exhausted. There’s too much poo in the zoo – and he’s the one who has to scoop it up. Then one day, a mysterious glowing poo appears! Could it be alien poop from outer space? And what on EARTH will Bob do with it?
  Perfect for fans of The Dinosaur who Pooped Christmas, children will laugh out loud at this gloriously poopy, funny picture book! Packed with humour, the romping rhyme and deliciously cheeky wordplay is a joy to read aloud. From Steve Smallman (The Eyebrows of Doom, Bear's Big Bottom) and illustrator, Ada Grey (Hippobottymus). If you like this book, then you'll LOVE Cock-a-Doodle-Poo, also by Steve Smallman.

2. Poo in the Zoo: The Great Poo Mystery
  SPLAT PATTER PLOP! Zookeeper Bob’s super-duper pooper scooper robot has disappeared and the POO is piling UP! Is this a DOO-DOO disaster? Or can Arabella Slater – Poo Investigator – save the day?
3. Poo in the Zoo: The Island of Dinosaur Poo
  Hector Gloop wants one more poop for his collection . . . but this one is harder to get hold of than usual! Can Zookeeper Bob and his crew from the zoo help Hector in his quest to find the elusive dinosaur poo? When they wash up on a mysterious island they can't believe their luck, that is until some hungry looking dinosaurs turn up. Can they find their poo-shaped prize? Or will they end up as dinosaur dinner?

4. Poo in the Zoo: Merry Poop-Mas!
  It’s Christmas Eve and zookeeper Bob McGrew is rushed off his feet. There’s so much to do, and to make matters worse all the poop has turned to ice in the freezing weather! But when Santa makes a surprise appearance at the zoo with a poorly reindeer in tow, it seems that Christmas really is in peril . . .

5. Poo in the Zoo: The Super Pooper Road Race
  It's the super POOPER Road Race, and Bob McGrew and the animals in the zoo are building the perfect poo-powered race cars. It’s going to be a poop-tastic adventure . . . But – oh no! – who’s that dastardly driver sabotaging the race? This race course is becoming more doo-doo dangerous by the minute! Who will zoom to victory and who will be left to finish last?



Steve Smallman has taken up writing his own stories after illustrating children’s books for over 30 years. He also teaches illustration and mural-painting workshops in schools. When he’s not working, Steve enjoys films, television, gardening and walking in the countryside.

Ada spent several years working for design companies before deciding that she preferred doodling. She lives in Brighton with her daughter and cat, Ming the Merciless. She collects picture books, draws in her studio (which is very messy) and loves cheese and spaghetti, especially together.



  • ISBN:9781838917470
  • 規格:平裝 / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:英國
  • 適讀年齡:3歲~7歲




  • 【繪本美術館】玩出好設計 X 收藏級美學,暢銷精選 3 書 5 折









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