Your Essential Guide to Effective Reflective Practice: Improving Practice Through Self-Reflection and Writing

Your Essential Guide to Effective Reflective Practice: Improving Practice Through Self-Reflection and Writing

  • 定價:6192

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This impactful guide takes you through the process of effective reflective practice with a clear and creative focus on helping you be successful in your professional and academic life. It will provide you with clear guidance about how to undertake the reflective writing needed to achieve academic qualifications and professional accreditations.

This book includes:

- Practical strategies for undertaking reflective practice in service of your clients.
- Recommendations for writing up your reflective practice for of assessment and accreditation purposes.
- Case studies and templates that can be applied to a wide range of professional fields and academic contexts.
- A theoretical foundation underpinning the purpose and intention of professional reflective practice.
- Practical advice from experienced reflective practitioners to help you put the principles into practice.

This engaging and thought-provoking book will give you confidence with thinking critically and reflectively about your work so that you can achieve better outcomes for yourself and others.

Christian van Nieuwerburgh is a Professor of Coaching and Positive Psychology at the Centre for Positive Health Sciences at RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences and Consulting Professor at Growth Coaching International (GCI).

David Love is an experienced leadership coach who works with senior and middle managers in the UK National Health Service, local government and other public services.



Christian is a well-respected executive coach, internationally-recognised academic and sought-after consultant.

Christian van Nieuwerburgh is Professor of Positive Psychology and Coaching at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and Global Director of Growth Coaching International. Previously he was a Programme Leader and Senior Lecturer within the Coaching Psychology programmes at the University of East London, one of the world’s leading centres for the postgraduate study of coaching. He lectured on a number of MSc programmes in the School of Psychology, and continues to undertake ground-breaking research and international collaborations in coaching and supervises academic dissertations.

Seen as an international authority in the field of coaching, he has been invited to speak at conferences in the US, the UK, Europe, Australia and the Middle East. He regularly presents on the topics of coaching, motivation, mental toughness and leadership. Christian has written a number of peer-reviewed journal articles and chapters about coaching.

Christian is particularly passionate about the power of coaching in educational settings. He is the editor of Coaching in Education: Getting Better Results for Students, Educators and Parents (2012), which is now one of the key textbooks in the field. Through his consultancy, the International Centre for Coaching in Education (ICCE), Christian delivers training, consultancy, coaching and professional development programmes to schools, colleges and universities in the UK and abroad. He is motivated by the idea of creating coaching cultures for learning which allow students to purposefully and confidently pursue their aspirations.

Christian defines himself as an engaged academic practitioner, committed to the useful interplay of theory, research and practice. Students, delegates, clients and peers describe him as an inspirational educator and empowering coach.

Instagram: coachonamotorcycle

LinkedIn: Christian van Nieuwerburgh

Twitter: @christianvn

David Love is a qualified and experienced leadership coach who works with senior and middle managers in the UK National Health Service, local government and other public services.



  • ISBN:9781529620924
  • 規格:平裝 / 232頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




  • 一年之始,聽史!歷史人文有聲書/線上課程66折起









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