
Optimizing Air Pollution Equipment Performance: Operation and Maintenance

Optimizing Air Pollution Equipment Performance: Operation and Maintenance

  • 作者: Theodore, Louis
  • 原文出版社:Wiley
  • 出版日期:2024/12/05
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:8250

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Comprehensive overview of the air pollution control technology field including the design, selection, operation, and maintenance of relevant devices

Optimizing Air Pollution Equipment Performance delivers an analysis of the subject of air pollution control equipment from the perspective of the practicing engineer or an applied scientist, rather than a theoretical perspective.

Written by a team of highly qualified authors with experience in both industry and academia, coverage includes:

  • Design and selection of a variety of relevant devices as well as carbon dioxide capture processes and technologies related to control of NOx
  • Strategies to ensure that air pollution control systems meet stringent emission standards and latest technological requirements, with up-to-date references throughout
  • Typical problems related to air pollution control equipment, emphasizing where and how these factors can have a major impact on the maintenance problems of control devices
  • Methods to reduce maintenance costs and prevent deterioration of collector performance

A timely reference detailing problems that have plagued users for nearly 100 years, Optimizing Air Pollution Equipment Performance earns a well-deserved spot on the bookshelves of professionals working in environmental control, including consultants, engineers, and government agency personnel, as well as advanced students in related programs of study.



Jay Richardson is a combustion engineer at Environmental Energy Services, Inc. He has over a decade of experience custom-engineering, fabricating, and installing treatment systems. Richardson is skilled in combustion diagnostics and flow modeling, specialized boiler testing, and analytics for fuel treatment programs.

Louis Theodore, MChE and EngScD, is a retired professor of chemical engineering (50 years). He is the author of several notable air pollution publications and a section editor (environmental management) and contributor to the last five editions of Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook.



  • ISBN:9781394288656
  • 規格:精裝 / 400頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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