★ 4個超好玩滑滑軌道
★ 掃QR Code聽母語人士唸英文故事!
繽紛的圖案、堅固好操作的滑滑軌道機關,吸引小手小眼找書中亮點,小手指滑一下,就將小動物們平安送回家囉!掃QR Code還能聽故事音檔,讓孩子在開心的情境下聽讀英文!
Help the baby animals find their way home in this fun sliding counter series!
Meet baby panda, baby yak, baby tortoise and baby leopard - four adorable animals who are lost in the jungle! With easy-to-use moving parts and four unique tracks to develop hand-eye coordination and concentration, babies and toddlers will enjoy taking the baby animals home in this robust, satisfying board book.
Scan the Stories Aloud QR code on the back cover to read along with the story!