Stefan Soell has already thrilled a steadily growing international fan basewith his photo collections in books such as My Favourite Top Models, Alpenglühn, Waldlust, Modern Urban Girls, Susann and Carisha.The frescopainters of both antiquity and the Renaissance were masters in the representationof dimension and perspective, and provided the inspirationfor Stefan Soell’s CELESTIAL & ELYSIUM GIRLS. Soell’s photographyis additionally able to enhance the skill and artistry of the frescos, and the effect is amazing. Powerful light shining from the side shapes andenhances the models’ figures, enabling the finest details and shapes tobe revealed. This is Stefan Soell’s thickest book, containing 352 pages, created over a 20-year period and with many new images added whatwere previously single volumes; CelestialGirls (published in 2015) andElysium Girls (in 2017). When selecting models, Stefan Soell is particularlychoosy. We are amazed at how he always manages to find girls withextraordinary character and natural charisma. In addition to Susann, Zoi and Carisha, his well-known muses, a total of 50 (!) ladies from 16countries grace this volume, many of them never seen before. His modelsswitch between innocence and excitement, physical attraction and cooldistance. They are all of them CELESTIAL & ELYSIUM GIRLS, so whynot let yourself be very pleasantly charmed by their supernatural beauty?