★ 孩子第一本太空認知書
★ 專為學齡前兒童設計的互動式拉拉頁,滿足家裡小小太空迷的好奇心
★ 韓國超人氣繪者新作。繽紛場景,搭配小手好操作的機關
《My First Space Book》是Campbell出版社專為學齡前兒童推出的知識互動書,25X25公分大開本的設計,透過精緻的圖畫、簡單的文字,以及拉拉頁的互動設計,帶領孩子認識許多生活中常見的主題,適合學齡前孩子閱讀,親子一同認識浩瀚的宇宙!
Preschoolers will love learning all about space in My First Space Book from Campbell Books, packed full of novelties, including glow in the dark stars!
Perfect for hands on learning, little ones can pull the rocket launch tab, peek through the peep-hole telescope and lift the flaps . . . to learn about planets, stars, space exploration and much more.
With easy to understand facts and colourful, friendly illustrations from Yujin Shin, STEAM learning has never been so much fun!
Little children can have more fun learning with: My First Clock Book, My First Body Book and My First Journey Around Planet Earth.