Genesis: Artificial Intelligence, Hope, and the Human Spirit

Genesis: Artificial Intelligence, Hope, and the Human Spirit

  • 定價:760
  • 優惠價:73554
  • 優惠期限:2025年04月09日止
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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  人類將如何與AI共處?三位跨領域的前瞻領導者——美國前國務卿亨利‧季辛吉(Henry A. Kissinger)、Google前執行長艾力克‧施密特(Eric Schmidt)、微軟前研發策略長克雷格‧蒙迪(Craig Mundie),思辨處於「人工智慧創世紀」時代,人類眼前已知、未知的希望與挑戰。
  l   「AI可能會是有史以來最偉大的科技革命,延伸出最大的問題是人類該如何適應。這本重要的著作,探討了眼前真實的未來,充滿無限可能,卻又伴隨著極為複雜的新挑戰。」——Open AI 執行長山姆‧奧特曼(Sam Altman)。
  l   「本書及時談討人工智慧與知識、權力和政治之間的關係,幫助我們仔細思考對人類而言,AI具備的潛力與風險。」 ——比爾‧蓋茲(Bill Gates)。

  As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes more dynamic and ubiquitous, it is dramatically empowering people in all walks of life while also giving rise to urgent questions about the future of humanity—a historic challenge whose contours and consequences are revealed by three eminent thinkers in Genesis.

  As it absorbs data, gains agency, and intermediates between humans and reality, AI will help us to address enormous crises, from climate change to geopolitical conflicts to income inequality. It might well solve some of the greatest mysteries of our universe, revolutionize fields as diverse as medicine and architecture, and elevate the human spirit to unimaginable heights. But it will also pose challenges on a scale and of an intensity that we have never seen—usurping our power of independent judgment and action, testing our relationship with the divine, and perhaps even spurring a new phase in human evolution. Whom will we choose to lead our species through this wilderness? Or have we, passively and unwittingly, already chosen?
  Charting a course between blind faith and unjustified fear, Genesis outlines an effective strategy for navigating the age of AI. The last book of elder statesman Henry Kissinger, written with technologists Eric Schmidt and Craig Mundie, it prepares the decisionmakers of today—that is, all of us—for the choices of tomorrow, and equips us to seize the opportunities presented by AI without falling prey to the darker forces that this revolution has unleashed.



Henry A. Kissinger was born in Germany in 1923, served in the U.S. Army during World War II, and taught history and government for two decades at Harvard University before becoming National Security Advisor and Secretary of State in the administrations of Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. A recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, among other awards, he authored numerous influential works on statesmanship and international relations, most recently Leadership, and with Eric Schmidt and Daniel Huttenlocher coauthored The Age of AI. Until his death in November 2023, he remained in ceaseless demand as an adviser to American presidents and many other world leaders and policymakers.

Eric Schmidt is a technologist, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. Joining the founders of Google in 2001, he helped grow the company from a Silicon Valley startup to a global leader in technology, first as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, and later as Executive Chairman and Technical Advisor. In 2021, he founded the Special Competitive Studies Project, a non-profit initiative to strengthen America’s long-term competitiveness in AI and technology. Most recently, he and his wife Wendy co-founded Schmidt Sciences, a philanthropic venture to fund unconventional areas of exploration in these fields.

Craig J. Mundie, president of Mundie & Associates, joined Microsoft in 1992 and retired in 2014 as chief research and strategy officer. He advises Microsoft on quantum computing and cybersecurity, is a director of the Institute for Systems Biology, a technology advisor to the Cleveland Clinic, and also an investor/advisor in early-stage companies involved in AI, biotech, fusion energy, and materials science. He served Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama on the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Council and the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Among his honors is a Doctor of Engineering degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.



  • ISBN:9780316584425
  • 規格:平裝 / 272頁 / 23.62 x 15.24 cm / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




  • 一年之始,聽史!歷史人文有聲書/線上課程66折起









  • 羅曼史
  • Moomin
  • 國際書展