Dive into the vibrant jungle where Monkey Banana’s extraordinary tale unfolds. In this lush forest, a little monkey’s curiosity is rewarded as a magical banana suit appears out of nowhere. Now Monkey Banana can understand and help all the animals in the jungle. The capybaras, macaws, and giant otters all plead with Monkey Banana to help explain their plight to the humans that are hunting the animals for their fur, meat, and feathers and at the same time destroying their previous habitats. This is written in a child friendly manner to inspire conversations about human’s relationships with nature. This enchanting story takes readers on a whimsical journey where Monkey Banana’s journey begins. Monkey Banana: Beginnings is more than just a story - it’s an adventure that celebrates the magic of curiosity and the joy of discovery. Perfect for children and the young at heart, this book promises to be a cherished addition to any story time.