The Stellar Approach: How Your Organization Supports the Regenerative Transformation of the Economy

The Stellar Approach: How Your Organization Supports the Regenerative Transformation of the Economy

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The transformation toolkit for your company to make a better future for all.

Every company today wants to be sustainable, but that’s no easy feat in our current economic system. How do you redesign an entire organization to not only be economically viable but to also actively contribute to preserving and regenerating our planet? And how do you navigate the inevitable conflicts of interest between profit-seeking and sustainability? In fact, if we really want sustainable economic activity, don’t we need to transform the entire economic system?

The answer to the last question is: yes. Nevertheless, individual organizations can already get started on this journey, and The Stellar Approach explains how. It’s a practical transformation toolkit and step-by-step roadmap that organizations can use to make their economic activities more sustainable and regenerative. This will not only enhance the future viability of their own business but also contribute to the regenerative transformation of the economy.

Today, every job is a sustainability job, and with The Stellar Approach, anyone can start making a difference right in their own circle of influence.



Simon Berkler is a co-founder of TheDive with over twenty years of experience as an entrepreneur and organizational consultant. He has studied media and communication science and holds a doctorate in media economics. Trained in systemic and integral organizational development, he has a long track record in supporting transformation processes at large and mid-sized companies. At TheDive, he focuses on the question of how the economic system can be developed in a life-serving direction. Ella Lagé worked for many years as a service designer in innovation projects at large corporations, focusing on creating lasting changes to established behaviors. Today at TheDive, she explores what organizations need to foster renewal and embrace it as something positive. Her focus areas include agile methodologies, leadership development, and the design of the sustainable-regenerative transformation. Ben Hughes (MSc Tech) is a speaker, author, and leader. A former management consultant, he spent ten years building and leading the content team at the Berlin-based start-up Blinkist. Based on his experiences with self-organization there, he co-authored the book The Loop Approach. He speaks about hybrid leadership, self-organization, and the regenerative transformation.



  • ISBN:9783593519593
  • 規格:平裝 / 250頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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