Compensation: A Balanced Approach

Compensation: A Balanced Approach

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Compensation: A Balanced Approach covers compensation systems and practices through theory and application. Each chapter looks at compensation from both the employer and employee perspective, giving students a more holistic understanding of the role total rewards play in an organization. Authors Beverly J. DeMarr, Vicki Fairbanks Taylor, and Claudia J. Ferrante help students develop the ability to think critically and ethically about compensation decisions and their effects on both employers and employees.



Beverly J. DeMarr, Ph.D., is Professor of Management at Ferris State University. She received her Doctorate in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management from Michigan State University. She has been recognized multiple times for teaching excellence and currently teaches courses in Negotiation, Human Resource Management, and Compensation. She has published in Personnel Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics, Human Relations, Public Personnel Management, and International Journal of Conflict Management. She is an active member of the Academy of Management and the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society. She was appointed by the Academy of Management Board of Governors to serve as the chair of the all-academy Teaching Theme Committee for 2016-2019.

Professor DeMarr was an elected union representative for eight years, negotiating labor contracts and representing constituents in a wide variety of disputes. She has served as a community mediator for more than 100 general civil, employment, civil rights, domestic relations (divorce, parenting time), and restorative justice (victim-offender) cases and was a member of the Board of Directors of the Westshore Dispute Resolution Center.

Vicki has worked in the NHS since 1985 in a number of public health roles and is now a freelance consultant. She currently is project manager for the Public Health Practitioner Training Scheme based at NHS Education South Central. She has over 20 years experience in health promotion and public health and has taught on a number of Master’s programmes in public health and health promotion (including London Southbank University, Kings College). In addition Vicki has been an Associate Lecturer with the Open University Business School since 1994, teaching on a range of Management and Leadership courses including the MBA Programme.

Claudia J. Ferrante is a Professor of Management at the United States Air Force Academy where she regularly teaches classes in Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and Management Consulting. She earned her B.S. in Biology from Bucknell University, MBA and Master of Health Administration from the University of Pittsburgh, and Master of Public Policy and Management and Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Carnegie Mellon University. Her publications include book chapters in The Economics of Aquatic Sports and Educating for Values-Driven Leadership Across the Curriculum, as well as numerous articles in journals such as Human Resource Management, Journal of Management Education, Group and Organization Management, Business Horizons, Journal of Management Policy and Practice, The Journal of Effective Teaching, Organization Development Journal, and the Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. Dr. Ferrante is an active member and annual conference presenter for the Academy of Management (AOM) and Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society. She was awarded the AOM Management Education Division’s (MED) J.B. "Ben" Arbaugh Outstanding Member Contribution & Leadership Award in 2024, and currently serves as AOM’s Career Services Committee Coaching Coordinator and as a Mentoring Program Coordinator for MED. In addition, Dr. Ferrante chaired AOM’s All-Academy Teaching Theme Committee from 2013-2016. She has received numerous awards for her teaching, research and service efforts.



  • ISBN:9781071948590
  • 規格:平裝 / 496頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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