Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Research and Application

Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Research and Application

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Written by authors with extensive experience in both the field and classroom, Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Research and Application, Seventh Edition equips students with the skills to analyze psychological knowledge and research findings, applying them effectively to both civil and criminal justice systems. The text is structured to cover five vital areas: law enforcement and investigative psychology, legal psychology, criminal psychology, victimology and victim services, and correctional psychology, while also addressing emerging technologies such as facial recognition and artificial intelligence. Moreover, it emphasizes an essential multicultural perspective, underscoring the need for sensitivity to ethnic, gender, cultural, and racial dynamics, preparing students to navigate the diverse challenges they will encounter in their professional careers.



Curt R. Bartol was a college professor for more than 30 years, teaching a wide variety of both undergraduate and graduate courses, including Biopsychology, Criminal Behavior, Juvenile Delinquency, Introduction to Forensic Psychology, Social Psychology, Profiling, and Psychology and Law. He earned his PhD in personality/social psychology from Northern Illinois University in 1972. He studied political science and law at the University of Wisconsin-Madison under a fellowship from the National Institute for the Humanities (NIH). He was instrumental in creating and launching Castleton State College’s graduate program in forensic psychology and served as its director for 6 years. As a licensed clinical psychologist, he has been a consulting police psychologist to local, municipal, state, and federal law enforcement agencies for over 30 years. In addition to Introduction to Forensic Psychology, he has coauthored Criminal Behavior: A Psychosocial Approach (now in its 11th ed.), Juvenile Delinquency and AntisocialBehavior: A Developmental Perspective (3rd ed.), Criminal and Behavioral Profiling, and Psychology and Law: Theory, Research, and Application (3rd ed.). He served as editor of SAGE’s Criminal Justice and Behavior: An International Journal, for 17 years. He also co-edited Current Perspectives in Forensic Psychology and Criminal Behavior (3rd ed.).

Anne M. Bartol earned an MA and a PhD in criminal justice from State University of New York at Albany. She also holds an MA in journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She taught criminal justice, sociology, and journalism courses over a 20-year college teaching career and has worked as a journalist and a social worker in child and adolescent protective services. In addition to Introduction to Forensic Psychology, she has coauthored Juvenile Delinquency: A Systems Approach; Delinquency and Justice: A Psychosocial Approach; Psychology and Law: Theory, Research, and Application; Criminal Behavior; and Criminal and Behavioral Profiling. She co-edited Current Perspectives, has served as book review editor and managing editor of Criminal Justice and Behavior and has published articles on women and criminal justice, rural courts, and the history of forensic psychology.



  • ISBN:9781071919767
  • 規格:平裝 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




  • 【心理勵志】聯經暢銷精選【財富思維必修課】書展:單書88折、雙書85折









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