

Choose You This Day, Second Edition

Choose You This Day, Second Edition

"The American church is in crisis. The crisis is not caused by the politics of Trumpism, though that is the occasion for......more

The Nexus of Governmental Integrity and the Survivability of American Constitutional Democracy

The Nexus of Governmental Integrity and the Survivability of American Constitutional Democracy

The American government is in a state of crisis--a crisis of integrity. Law is not what holds nations together; rather, ......more

Mary for Protestants: A Catholics Reflection on the Meaning of Mary the Mother of God

Mary for Protestants: A Catholics Reflection on the Meaning of Mary the Mother of God

Have you ever wondered about Mary, Jesus’ mother? Is she important beyond having given birth to Christ? Is there more to......more

Remembering the Reformation: Commemorate? Celebrate? Repent?

Remembering the Reformation: Commemorate? Celebrate? Repent?

  • Ingram,出版日期:2017-12-13

In 1517, Martin Luther set off what has been called, at least since the nineteenth century, the Protestant Reformation. ......more

Reformed Confessions

Reformed Confessions

In this volume, the internationally respected theologian Jan Rohls chronicles the dynamic tradition of Reformed confessi......more

Wayward Christian Soldiers: Freeing the Gospel from Political Captivity

Wayward Christian Soldiers: Freeing the Gospel from Political Captivity

In Wayward Christian Soldiers, leading evangelical theologian Charles Marsh offers a powerful indictment of the politica......more

Great Gospel Issues

Great Gospel Issues

The gospel’s great issues all mesh together. To be wrong on one issue inevitably means errors in the others, resulting i......more

The Divine Trinunity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

The Divine Trinunity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

In The Divine Trinunity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Francis Cheynell draws out the doctrine of the Trinity (or ......more

The Theology of Robert Hall Jr.: The Undermining of Calvinism among the English Particular Baptists

The Theology of Robert Hall Jr.: The Undermining of Calvinism among the English Particular Baptists

Robert Hall (1760-1831) became a prominent figure in Nonconformist and wider circles during the first three decades of t......more

Triumphs & Tragedies in Serving God: True Stories from a Surgeon’s View

Triumphs & Tragedies in Serving God: True Stories from a Surgeon’s View

"Triumphs & Tragedies in Serving God" is unique in multiple ways. First, it is comprised of only true stories with no em......more

The Dispensations In The History Of The Church And The Interregnums; Volume 2

The Dispensations In The History Of The Church And The Interregnums; Volume 2

First published in 1905, The Dispensations in the History of the Church and the Interregnums is a fascinating exploratio......more

Worth Of The Soul, And Other Sermons

Worth Of The Soul, And Other Sermons

This collection of sermons by Bennet Tyler, a prominent American theologian in the 19th century, explores the theme of t......more

Protestantism and Other Essays

Protestantism and Other Essays

In this thought-provoking collection of essays, Thomas de Quincey delves into the complex history of Protestantism and i......more

The Constitution of the Reformed Dutch Church in the United States of America

The Constitution of the Reformed Dutch Church in the United States of America

Discover the guiding principles of the Reformed Dutch Church in America with this detailed exploration of their constitu......more

Sermons Illustrating the Doctrine of the Lord: And Other Fundamental Doctrines of the New-Jerusalem Church

Sermons Illustrating the Doctrine of the Lord: And Other Fundamental Doctrines of the New-Jerusalem Church

Sermons Illustrating the Doctrine of the Lord and Other Fundamental Doctrines of the New-Jerusalem Church is a collectio......more

The Heidelberg Catechism..

The Heidelberg Catechism..

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

This book provides a translation of the Heidelberg Catechism, one of the most important confessions of the Reformed trad......more

The Universalist’s Book of Reference..

The Universalist’s Book of Reference..

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

Designed as a comprehensive reference book for Universalists, this volume provides information on a wide range of topics......more

History of Congregationalism

History of Congregationalism

History of Congregationalism is a comprehensive history of the Congregationalist Church, from its origins in 16th centur......more

Puritan Theology; or, Law, Grace, and Truth, Discourses; Volume II

Puritan Theology; or, Law, Grace, and Truth, Discourses; Volume II

George Macaulay’s ’Puritan Theology’ offers a deep exploration of Puritan religious thought and doctrine. Drawing heavil......more

History Of The Advent Christian Church

History Of The Advent Christian Church

A comprehensive history of the Advent Christian Church, including its origins, development, and major events. Bowden pro......more

The Life of Rev. Philip William Otterbein, Founder of the Church of the United Brethern In Christ

The Life of Rev. Philip William Otterbein, Founder of the Church of the United Brethern In Christ

A biography of Rev. Philip William Otterbein, founder of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, written by A. W. D......more

A Treatise on the Lord’s Supper, Designed as a Guide and Companion to the Holy Communion

A Treatise on the Lord’s Supper, Designed as a Guide and Companion to the Holy Communion

This classic Christian text explores the significance of the sacrament of Communion within the context of the Protestant......more

A Condensed History of the General Baptists of the New Connexion

A Condensed History of the General Baptists of the New Connexion

Discover the rich history of the General Baptists of the New Connexion in this comprehensive yet concise guide. From the......more

The Moravian Church Miscellany; Volume 2

The Moravian Church Miscellany; Volume 2

First published in 1838, The Moravian Church Miscellany is a quarterly journal dedicated to the history, theology, and c......more

History of the Waldenses of Italy, From Their Origin to the Reformation

History of the Waldenses of Italy, From Their Origin to the Reformation

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization......more

A Memoir Of The Life And Times Of The Rev. Isaac Backus, A.m

A Memoir Of The Life And Times Of The Rev. Isaac Backus, A.m

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization......more

Living or Dead? A Series of Home Truths

Living or Dead? A Series of Home Truths

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization......more

The Cause of God and Truth

The Cause of God and Truth

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization......more

Finding Your Point of Contact With God

Finding Your Point of Contact With God

Finding Your Point of Contact With God is a simple truth that many greater and wiser people than I have stumbled over. I......more

Tradition in Crisis

Tradition in Crisis

Does it matter whether traditional Protestants survive? Yes, because they are a distinct and necessary voice in American......more

How White Evangelicals Think

How White Evangelicals Think

"The majority of Americans have looked on in some combination of horror and befuddlement as many white Christians, parti......more

Faith, Form, and Fashion: Classical Reformed Theology and Its Postmodern Critics

Faith, Form, and Fashion: Classical Reformed Theology and Its Postmodern Critics

This is a detailed examination of the theological innovations of Kevin Vanhoozer and John Franke. Each proposes that doc......more

His Death-’’Til He Come: A Deeper Look at Communion

His Death-’’Til He Come: A Deeper Look at Communion

This is a book like no other you will find. This is written seeing Jesus as actually present in the Communion. It will s......more

Christian Slavery: Conversion and Race in the Protestant Atlantic World

Christian Slavery: Conversion and Race in the Protestant Atlantic World

Could slaves become Christian? If so, did their conversion lead to freedom? If not, then how could perpetual enslavement......more

In Search of Ancient Roots: The Christian Past and the Evangelical Identity Crisis

In Search of Ancient Roots: The Christian Past and the Evangelical Identity Crisis

Perceiving a disconnect between their Protestant tradition and ancient Christianity, younger generations are abandoning ......more

The Interrelation of the Great Awakening and Harvard College

The Interrelation of the Great Awakening and Harvard College

The Interrelation of the Great Awakening and Harvard College by the Rev. Dr. George Gatgounis, Esq., examines the histor......more

Nkjv, Holy Bible for Kids, Verse Art Cover Collection, Leathersoft, Purple, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New King James Version

Nkjv, Holy Bible for Kids, Verse Art Cover Collection, Leathersoft, Purple, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New King James Version

A perfect choice for young Bible readers, the NKJV Holy Bible for Kids includes numerous study helps with the trusted Ne......more

The Puritan View of Substantive Biblical Law

The Puritan View of Substantive Biblical Law

The Puritans, who settled in America in the early 1600s, believed that if they followed God’s laws as individuals and as......more

The New Way: Protestantism and the Hmong in Vietnam

The New Way: Protestantism and the Hmong in Vietnam

In the mid-1980s, a radio program with a compelling spiritual message was accidentally received by listeners in Vietnam’......more

Why I Am A Protestant

Why I Am A Protestant

""This book is in two parts. In the first I try to set out my reasons for being a Protestant; in the second are my reaso......more

John Calvin: The Strasbourg Years (1538-1541)

John Calvin: The Strasbourg Years (1538-1541)

The three years that Calvin spent in Strasbourg are often considered a simple gap between his two periods in Geneva (153......more

Calvin’s Geneva

Calvin’s Geneva

For over four hundred years, the city of Geneva has been important in Western history. The character of this city--stead......more

John Calvin and the Church: A Prism of Reform

John Calvin and the Church: A Prism of Reform

The coherence of this volume arises from the way in which John Calvin serves as the centering focus of various disciplin......more

Bridging the Sacred-Secular Divide: Celebrating the Spirituality of Everyday Life

Bridging the Sacred-Secular Divide: Celebrating the Spirituality of Everyday Life

Do you want to invite God into every part of your day? Learn how to see Jesus in all facets of your life-from faith and ......more

The 52 Churches Workbook: Becoming a Spiritual Community that Matters

The 52 Churches Workbook: Becoming a Spiritual Community that Matters

Consider over 200 thought-provoking questions to propel you and your church forward. Don’t just imagine how to make your......more

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism: The Complete Text - Inclusive of Notes

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism: The Complete Text - Inclusive of Notes

Max Weber’s celebrated thesis, which explores the relationship between Protestant work ethic and the emergence of capita......more

Theologisch-historische Beschreibung Aller Sonn-, Fest- Und Feyertage Des Evangelischen Kirchen-jahrs

Theologisch-historische Beschreibung Aller Sonn-, Fest- Und Feyertage Des Evangelischen Kirchen-jahrs

This book is a historical and theological description of the holidays and festivals in the Evangelical Church calendar. ......more

Modern Religious Liberalism

Modern Religious Liberalism

John Horsch’s thought-provoking book explores the role of liberalism in shaping modern religious thought and practice. W......more

Fifteen Sermons Preached On Various Important Subjects

Fifteen Sermons Preached On Various Important Subjects

This collection of sermons by one of the most influential preachers of the 18th century covers a wide range of theologic......more



This book provides an overview of Congregationalism, which is a Protestant Christian movement that emphasizes the sovere......more

A History of Congregational Independency in Scotland

A History of Congregational Independency in Scotland

A History of Congregational Independency in Scotland is a detailed account of the history of Congregationalism in Scotla......more

Internal History of German Protestantism Since the Middle of Last Century, Tr. by T. Meyer

Internal History of German Protestantism Since the Middle of Last Century, Tr. by T. Meyer

This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the internal dynamics and external challenges facing German Protestantism i......more

The First Evangelical Congregational Church, Cambridgeport, Mass

The First Evangelical Congregational Church, Cambridgeport, Mass

This landmark history of the First Evangelical Congregational Church in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts offers a detailed a......more



In this seminal work, Henry Martyn Dexter provides an in-depth history and analysis of Congregationalism, a form of Prot......more

Letters on Unitarianism Addressed to the Members Of the First Presbyterian Church in the City Of

Letters on Unitarianism Addressed to the Members Of the First Presbyterian Church in the City Of

In this thoughtful and provocative book, Miller engages in a series of letters with members of the First Presbyterian Ch......more

Memorials of Protestant Missionaries

Memorials of Protestant Missionaries

This collection of biographical sketches celebrates the lives and achievements of some of the most remarkable Protestant......more

Documentary History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America: Connecticut

Documentary History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America: Connecticut

A comprehensive history of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the state of Connecticut, covering its establishment, grow......more

The History of the Revival and Progress of Independency in England

The History of the Revival and Progress of Independency in England

A comprehensive study of Independent churches in England, from their origins in the 17th century to their current state ......more

Beacon Lights of the Reformation

Beacon Lights of the Reformation

This book is a comprehensive history of the Protestant Reformation. The author provides a detailed account of the origin......more

Puritanism in England

Puritanism in England

This classic study of Puritanism in England offers a detailed exploration of the beliefs and practices of Puritans durin......more

The Protestant Faith

The Protestant Faith

Explore the history and significance of the Protestant faith with George W. Forell’s classic work, The Protestant Faith.......more

Gotthold’s Emblems: Or Invisible Things Understood by Things That Are Made. Tr. by R. Menzies

Gotthold’s Emblems: Or Invisible Things Understood by Things That Are Made. Tr. by R. Menzies

This book is a collection of religious emblems by German theologian Christian Scriver. The emblems consist of a picture ......more

The Works Of The Rev. Griffith Edwards (gutyn Padarn). M.a., F.r.h.s., Late Vicar Of Llangadfan, Montgomeryshire

The Works Of The Rev. Griffith Edwards (gutyn Padarn). M.a., F.r.h.s., Late Vicar Of Llangadfan, Montgomeryshire

This book is a collection of sermons, tracts, and letters written by the Rev. Griffith Edwards in the 17th century. The ......more

The Israel Of The Alps: A History Of The Perscutions Of The Waldenses

The Israel Of The Alps: A History Of The Perscutions Of The Waldenses

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization......more

The Antichrist

The Antichrist

Arthur W. Pink (1886-1952) "was born in Great Britain and immigrated to the U.S. to study at Moody Bible Institute. He p......more

The Robert Hussein Case

The Robert Hussein Case

Of the many influential religious-liberty cases with which the Rev. Dr. George Gatgounis, Esq., has been involved, his w......more

A Confusion of Printers

A Confusion of Printers

The social history of the Reformation era remains a constant source of fascination for scholars. Of particular focus are......more

Excellent Protestant Congregations

Excellent Protestant Congregations

While many individuals might seek out an assortment of spiritual practices and approaches, the local congregation still ......more

And Such Were Some Of You

And Such Were Some Of You

Fifty years ago, David Clarke made a confession to the police of 24 crimes and appeared in Aylesbury Magistrate Court, o......more

Ecclesiology in Reformed Perspective

Ecclesiology in Reformed Perspective

This ecclesiological study argues that Reformed ecclesiology cannot be separated from Reformed Christology. The christol......more

The Prayer Book Revealed: A brief illustrated history of the Book of Common Prayer

The Prayer Book Revealed: A brief illustrated history of the Book of Common Prayer

My father, the Reverend Humphrey John Paine, made a collection of Books of Common Prayer while a vicar in the Norwich di......more

More Than 52 Churches: The Journey Continues

More Than 52 Churches: The Journey Continues

If you want to know your church’s weaknesses and strengths, you must look at it through the eyes of a visitor. That’s ex......more

The Congregationalists

The Congregationalists

This book is a detailed history of Congregationalism, one of the oldest and most influential Protestant denominations in......more

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