First published in 1864, this seminal work traces the development of the Presbyterian Church in America from its earlies......more
This classic text provides a comprehensive overview of the laws governing the church and its members. With a focus on th......more
This book tells the story of the Christian Church from its origins in the apostolic age to the nineteenth century. Writt......more
This book serves as an essential guide to ecclesiastical law for both students and scholars. It offers a comprehensive a......more
Christian Archaeology is a comprehensive study of the archaeology of Christianity, covering everything from the early Ch......more
Explore the evolution of Christian thought and practice in this thought-provoking collection of essays. From key figures......more
The Age of the Fathers is a seminal work of Christian history, exploring the period between the Council of Nicaea in 325......more
Eight insightful sermons examining the theological controversies that plagued the early Christian church, written by two......more
First published in 1844, A Chronological Introduction to the History of the Church provides a comprehensive overview of ......more
This comprehensive text provides an engaging narrative of church history. It covers everything from the early church to ......more
John Hooper’s early writings on the nature of Christ, the Ten Commandments, and other theological topics remain some of ......more
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization......more
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization......more
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization......more
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization......more
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization......more
Faith in the Age of Technology examines how Christians can navigate digital life without compromising their beliefs, off......more
Asia is by far the largest continent in the world. The global expansion of the church, which emanated from the Middle Ea......more
By providing case studies of Christian organizations and networks which have recently undergone succession, and drawing ......more
A holistic, eye-opening history of one of the most significant turning points in Christianity, The Reformation as Renewa......more
Philip Schaff’s classic work colloquially known as Early Church Fathers, is an invaluable resource filled with the prima......more
Few people know that Nazism included a religious component, yet Positive Christianity is directly cited in the Nazi Plat......more
Philip Schaff’s classic work colloquially known as Early Church Fathers, is an invaluable resource filled with the prima......more
This elegant Bible edition honors the beauty and richness of the New King James Version in a convenient portable size wi......more
This elegant Bible edition honors the beauty and richness of the New King James Version in a convenient portable size wi......more
This elegant Bible edition honors the beauty and richness of the New King James Version in a convenient portable size wi......more
Philip Schaff’s classic work colloquially known as The Early Church Fathers is an invaluable resource filled with the pr......more
The fascinating history of Eastern Europe includes highs of soaring cultural achievement and lows of almost unimaginable......more
""A historian who has been an actor in the events which he narrates, has peculiar advantages and disadvantages. He can w......more
Rooted and Rising is for everyone who worries about the climate crisis and seeks spiritual practices and perspectives to......more
""Faith"" gets its most powerful definition from the New Testament book of Hebrews. Yet this anonymous treatise tantaliz......more
Heinrich Bullinger, the friend and successor of Huldrych Zwingli, led the Zurich church for almost fifty years after Zwi......more
This collection of legal documents affecting the Christian Church in the Roman Empire is the first its kind in any langu......more
John Wesley promoted the ministry of women in early Methodism. Amazing women like Phoebe Palmer, Catherine Booth, and Fr......more
The Community of the Resurrection, with its Mother House at Mirfield, has been perhaps the most influential and best-kno......more
""This is a deeply moving tale of the American we often read about but seldom run into: the independent spirit who speak......more
Patterns of Reformation describes Oecolampadius’ drastic scholarship and teaching about the Eucharist, particularly his ......more
Called to Believe, Teach, and Confess offers an overview of the major doctrines of Christianity in a comprehensive, but ......more
The Ritschlian theology, a reaction against rationalism, was influential in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Ritschl h......more
Medieval historian G. G. Coulton relinquished his own holy orders in 1885 but remained firmly engaged with Christianity.......more
James Hudson Taylor (1832 1905), the founder of the large and respected China Inland Mission, wrote the pamphlet China s......more
These books focus on the sayings of Jesus....more
On the 9th of November, 2020 Russian politologist Vladimir Solo-vyov offered to purchase Odessa and south from Ukraine. ......more
Available for the first time in a comprehensive English translation, this thoroughly annotated but easy-to-use presentat......more
After reading this book, those who are truly seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness will become God-conscious,......more
In the very beginning, God made the male and female equal in gender and power, so how did the female become secondary to......more
This Happened in My Presence reveals life in the small Spanish town of Deza during a period that was complex and tumultu......more
On the 40th anniversary of the irregular ordination of the group of women who became known as the "Philadelphia Eleven,"......more
The third volume in Hughes Oliphant Old’s multivolume history of the reading and preaching of Scripture focuses on the M......more
When the Prince of Preachers steps into the open air, the result will change his ministry forever. Using Charles Spurgeo......more
The McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry is an electronic and print journal that seeks to provide pastors, educator......more
This book presents a synthesis of Alan Sell’s theology drawn from his voluminous publications. As Sell’s doctrinal views......more
Post-Christendom Studies publishes research on the nature of Christian identity and mission in the contexts of post-Chri......more
Does God sovereignly elect some individuals for salvation while passing others by? Do human beings possess free will to ......more
World War I has been recorded from many points of view: correspondent, poet, politician, and soldier. Comments from a nu......more
Much of the world today is convulsed in an epic struggle between the Christian West and Islam. Scholars seeking to under......more
Like most Protestant denominations, the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) was founded upon ideas that shaped its ......more
This dogmatic study addresses two perennial questions. First, how do we reconcile God’s sovereignty with human freedom, ......more